
Auger – drilling holes in wood Axe – felling small trees or cutting firewood Adaze – cutting slivers from the surface of the wood Basket – holding stone while it was hoisted at a building site Billhook – pruning Cloth Shears – cutting cloth Crowbar – for manhandling the heavy stones at a quarry and placing stones in their final resting places Dividers – for measuring Hammer – to butt stone and drive wooden pegs Handsaw – to make small wood cuts and more delicate woodworking Hold On (Tongs) – holding metal as it is being hammered Mallet – used in conjunction with a chisel to carve wood or stone; the mason or carpenter would strike the chisel with the mallet. Mason Chisel – used by the masons, along with the mallet, to carve decorative designs into the stones, and for cutting and dressing stone Nippers – cutting through wire Pitch Fork – thrusting into sheaves, bundles of hay, so that they could be pitched into a cart Sharp Blade – cutting through leather Shearing Shears – cutting fleece from sheep Sickle – cutting crops Snip – cutting sheets of metal Trowel – laying and smoothing mixed mortar on stone or brick Wood Chisel – shaping and cutting designs into the wood, or splitting wood Â