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My Story: I am a 15 year old boy whose dad was a stonemason, and I would like to follow his path. My name is Hildegard Brickenden. I would like to work on the great churches and castles of Europe.
My Job: When I was young, I was with my dad (he was showing me the ways of stonemasons) and he got a 4th degree burn showing me how to burn iron (my dad was a blacksmith by the way), I’ve been traumatized ever since, but I’ve gone past that fear and now I’m a stone carver at my dad’s guild.
I am a Stone carver and stone carvers ‘s are important because a castle or church or cathedral wouldn’t be what it is without the decorations that the stone carvers do, our purpose is to make the buildings look “pretty” so you could say. (You’ll probably want to say more about the differences between work that is done to build something that is structurally sound and the work that is decorative and add details to a building.)
The tools us stone carvers use are mainly chisels and mallets, the three types of chisels are the punch, the claw, and the flat. The punch is used to cut of big pieces of stone, it’s the chisel you use first. Next is the claw, it’s the middle chisel, you use it after the punch to add more detail but not to make finer detail. And last but not least is the flat, you use it last to make the last details.
Some other related and interesting facts about building cities, castles, churches and/or mosques that I plan to share with visitors to our guild:
- There are three main types of chisels.
- It took about 10-20 years to make a castle, but it took 70-100 years.
- in a castle they would have an outer and inner wall.
- you might not think so but blacksmiths are actually stonemasons as well, they make the tools for people who actually work with the stone. they will also sometimes make nails but they are really rare.
- My job is to take the stone and shape them in to designs. A castle or cathedral wouldn’t be a castle or cathedral without design.
I am a stone carver and so i will have 3 fake chisels, the punch the claw and the flat, and I will have a piece of foam painted “stone color” i will be “carving” the foam and when the people come up I will talk to them. If I can’t get the foam “stone color” than I will get it just normal. You may want to watch some of these videos to get inspiration:
- a fake punch, claw, and flat chisel
- a piece of foam painted “stone color
- clothes
I have a video of how to make a medieval shirt.