A City Quest

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European City

Middle Eastern City

  • How do the natural features impact the design of a city?
    • I think that they affect it in the way that it looks older and less intimidating when it is green. The white one looks very polished and strong, whilst the green one looks very weak and friendly.
  • What natural features might be desirable for designing a city?
    • I think some of them would be farms so that the people could grow them within the walls and don’t have to pay for expensive outsider food. I also think that trees would be good because that would allow there to be a good, and breathable, atmosphere.
  • What natural features might be less desirable for building a city?
    • I think that a bad natural feature is moss, vines and weeds. I think these are bad because moss makes it look old and weak, weeds make it look unpleasant, and vines make it very easy to penetrate.
  • What can the use of different types of building materials tell you about the purpose and function of different parts of the city?
    • Well, you can see that the better the material is, (stone, for instance, is better than wood) the richer or more important that building is. So a noble or a monarch would have stone, and perhaps the church as well, and then the houses would be made of wood.
  • What are the various functional parts of the city (i.e., what does a city need to be a city?)?
    • It needs a wall to stop attackers and to be safe, a church to pray, a market to gain money and to buy, a large center building for the rulers, and some sort of food source.
  • How does the design of the city reflect the different levels of status of its inhabitants?
    • I think the design helps because it makes it so the poor can get small houses, the wealthy can get medium houses, and the rich can get large castle-like houses. depending on how they separate the people, I guess, they could tell because the wealthy and rich don’t normally want to be in a trash covered street with the peasants.
  • How might the design of a city tell you something about the values and beliefs of the people who live in the city?
    • I think the design of the city shows it because of the statues and shapes will show things. For instance, the church will be in the shape of a cross, and that shows Christianity. Also they may have statues and shapes, (like I said before) that could resemble things from God and Jesus. I also *think* I saw a cross on the top of a tower, which is part of the design.