A City Quest

Below are a set of images of Medieval cities in Europe and the Middle East. The linked images will take you to a google image page. From there, you can review individual images. Look over the images and then choose three images that capture your attention in some way (make sure that you have at least one image from each region).



The Middle East:


When you’ve chosen your three pictures, jot down some observations related to the following questions:

  • How do the natural features impact the design of a city?
  • What natural features might be desirable for designing a city?
  • What natural features might be less desirable for building a city?
  • What can the use of different types of building materials tell you about the purpose and function of different parts of the city?
  • What are the various functional parts of the city (i.e., what does a city need to be a city?)?
  • How does the design of the city reflect the different levels of status of its inhabitants?
  • How might the design of a city tell you something about the values and beliefs of the people who live in the city?


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