Category: Kyla DeSouza

Kyla- Social Justice Teach-In Reflection

I think that my Social Justice Teach-In went very well.  I think that our activity went very well the first time we tried it because the kindergartners had an art project that they were doing and the kids got a chance to help them work on their projects.  I also think that the original presentation went well because we gave the kids examples of the different reading tips and they actually followed them.  I thought it was fun being a “teacher”  but it was somewhat boring when the kids were reading because we didn’t have anything to really do except for supervise.  I wouldn’t have done anything differently but the only thing I regret doing is giving them cookies because they basically just said that they wanted more cookies as their suggestion which wasn’t really helpful.  I liked the idea of the Teach-In and the idea of being a “teacher” because it was rewarding to see the different tips that the kids used.

Kyla- LINC- 5th Visit

Viviane, Naomi, Nora and I attended another cross-aged reading at the McDonalds in Harlem.  This time we actually knew how to get there so we weren’t walking around trying to find our way.  We basically did the same thing as we did for our second visit. We sang  different songs like The Wheels on the Bus, Great Big Moose and ABC.  We each separated into different  groups, we each had about 4 or 5 kids to read to.  After each of us read at least 2 books we moved the chairs to the side and we sang some more songs.  Once that was over the kids started to eat.  Miss D offered to buy us some food, the other girls weren’t hungry but I was so I said yes.  Once I finished eating my McChicken and fries we left the McDonalds.

Kyla- LINC- 4th Visit

Viviane, Naomi, Nora and I once again attended the St. Judes School.  We basically did the same things as we did for our 3rd visit, we went into the classroom where there were 4 tables, each having a few kindergartners and a 5th grader for each one.  Each of us sat at a table and we would either supervise the 5th graders, assist them as they read to the kindergartners or read them a story.  Afterwards, the kindergarteners needed to do the math worksheets that we gave them and then they colored the pictures that we’d given them

Kyla- LINC- 3rd Visit

Viviane, Naomi, Nora and I went the the St. Judes School in Inwood to assist 5th graders in helping Kindergartners read books such as The Cat in the Hat in celebration of Dr. Seuss’s birthday which was March 2, 1904.  We first walked into a cafeteria and we needed to separate the worksheets for the ids to do.  After that we went into the classroom where there were 4 tables, each having a few kindergartners and a 5th grader for each one.  Each of us sat at a table and we would either supervise the 5th graders, assist them as they read to the kindergartners or read them a story.  Afterwards, the kindergarteners needed to do the math worksheets that we gave them and then they colored the pictures that we’d given them

Kyla- LINC- 2nd Visit

Viviane, Nora and I had arrived at the McDonalds in Harlem at 4:00 pm.  We stood waiting, looking around to see if there was anyone there we recognized from Literacy Incorporated, but there wasn’t.  We walked through the McDonalds and a woman sitting said to us, “Hello.  Why do you guys looked so scared?”  We all looked at each other trying to figure out who she was and why she was talking to us.  “Well, I’m Miss D.” she said, “She’ll be here in a minute she just had to pick up the kids.”  We all stayed standing until the seats around Miss D. were empty.  We sat and waited, were were talking about how long it was going to be until the kids arrived and also about how fat Viviane was because she’d just eaten a bag of popcorn and cookies and she still had food in her bag for later.  The woman finally arrived with the kids and we all went into a room that wasn’t that far away.  We helped Miss D. move the tables into the corner then we set up the chairs for the little kids.  After that we sang  The Wheels on the Busand then we broke up into our groups.  Each of us had about 5 kids to read to.  After each of us read at least 2 books we moved the chairs to the side and we sang some more songs and took a few pictures.  Once that was over the kids started eating and then we left the McDonalds.

Kyla- LINC- 1st Visit

Today Viviane, Nora, Naomi and I went to visit the Literacy Incoperated office to discuss what the goal of LINC was and what we would be doing if we were going to be working with LINC.  We all waited in the office wondering what exactly was going to happen.  We were mostly wondering if we were going to be able to actually work with kids that day or if we were just going to be told information.