Blog Post/Journal Guidelines

1.    Click: Add New, under Posts (on left) or New Post (upper right -hand side)
2.    Use proper titling format and journal-writing guidelines below
3.    When your post is complete to go the lower right-hand side, and be sure to check off 2009-2010 box AND CLICK off your name below (or it will not work)= click TWO boxes here to post!
4.    Click Publish
5.    Go to View Site to see that your post is there
6.    Under Categories at lower left of the screen, all the way down, your name will appear
7.    If you want to change anything, click on your name, then “edit” underneath your post you would like to edit.

Title Format: Student’s Name – Date – Name of Social Justice Organization or person with whom you worked.
Example:  Momii – 2/25/10 – Whole Foods

Journal Guidelines: Each of your journal posts will be a written reflection. Use the following questions to guide you.

Guiding Questions (answer at least 5 of these OR write a lengthy, detailed paragraph about one or about the visit):

1.    With whom did I work (names) and what did we do?
2.    How did the work go (getting to the work site, figuring out my tasks, doing them well, etc.)?
3.    How did I feel before, during, and after the work I did today?
4.    What struck, surprised, interested, confused, or motivated me about what I did?
5.    What lessons did I learn about my own people skills or work skills today?
6.    What did I learn about human/civil rights, social justice organization or your topic?
7.    What did I learn about the organization’s inner workings?
8.    What goals do I set for my next session (being punctual, helpful, asking about a specific question, etc.)?
9.    What questions do I have for my teachers or for my group members?
10.    What other steps do I need to take (researching a specific issue, contacting a certain person, following up on an idea I had, thanking someone, etc.)?
11.    What do I want to remember, record or save from today’s work to use in my Teach In presentation?
12.    What photo, video, article or other material do I want to post? (Post them!  )
13.    What interesting quotations/statistics/facts did I overhear during my visit?

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