Lucy-3/11/09-Material for the Arts
For my second visit I went to Material for the Arts again with Sadie, Maddie, and Surayya. Last time we sorted jewelry but this time we were told to fold, sort, and stack materials. Some of the materials we stacked were old cloths, pillowcases, sheets, and other things like that. There was a large shelf and bin that were covered with unfolded parts of cloth. It was unorganized and needed to be fixed. Our job was to take down the stuff from the shelf and to neatly fold it and put it back on the shelf. We decided to put the smaller cloths on one side and the larger cloths on the other. After taking all the fabric off the shelves nad putting them back neatly, we had to also add the fabrics that were recently given to the shelves. Overall the task was completed and it went very well. What interested me was the cloth. There was so much cloth from so many places. Some of it looked like it was an old costume and some of it needed four people to fold because if was so big. What I learned about how this is sustainable is that instead of throwing away all this cloth, it is given to Material for the Arts where it is reused. Some of the goals I want to set for next time are to see more of the studio. It looks very interesting and I hope to come back there on my own time. Something I want to remember for our Teach In, on April 29th, is the fabric. Maybe we could have people use recycled fabric as one of the materials they use when they do an art project. Overall it was very interesting and entertaining. We completed our task and I am curious to find out what we are going to do next time.