Jacey-2/14/09-The Visionaire
Lily and I had our first visit to our sustainability organization. We went to 70 little west street in battery park on Saturday the 14th. There was a whole thing on why we couldn’t get there and tried really hard but that is a different story and it was a disaster, but not important. So we called and apologized and and made our appoint on sunday the 15th at 2pm. We arrived at this shinny tall building covered in glass where a lot of light is going in from. It went pretty well but we didn’t necessarily help out, we just listened and learned from our tour guide, Ann. There was so much interesting information to take in. She first showed us a model building of the building that we were in and showed us the different parts of it and how it is green. There were solar panels in the inside pool, and in many rooms. Then she gave us a tour of a few model homes. The whole building was surrounded by bamboo and the carpets were made out of recycled materials. The Visionair made sure that their wood was only 500 miles away of shipping so the trucks doesn’t need so much gas and oil. The building had rain forrest harvesting and there was a lot of platinum which is the best you can have for a green building. There were so many little things that made the building green. The fridges have different motors and it is really hard to open because of how tight it is, it saves cold air from coming out which saves a lot of energy. All of the lights are energy saving. All of the wood floors had been harvest, all of the sink faucets are filtered so you can drink out of all of them, even the bath tub. The tiles are so beautiful , you would never think that they are made out of recycled material. Even the elevator saved energy. There were so many things that saved energy that just made the building so green. They really showed that you can have a beautiful modern nice building and have it be one of the most “green” buildings to live in. I learned a lot and really enjoyed it. The tour went on for about 45 to 1 hour.