We go to Brooklyn

We left my home at 12:15 but did not go straight to Eat-fresh. Since we had a mix-up with Sara B. we though that she was meeting us at LREI to check up on us. Apparently she was not so we quickly got back in the car and drove to the Manhattan Bridge were we crossed over to Brooklyn. The more eastern we went the buildings got shorter and the streets more green.

         Soon we arrived to 370 5 Avenue and walked quickly into the building. We each paid 50 dollars and went to our stations to learn how to make a truffle. We learned four different ways to. Three were with fermented chocolate while one was with sealed chocolate. The group of three was made in this order; the first was a with honey and cream, the second was made with lavender and cream, and the last was with olive oil and salt. The four one, without fermented chocolate, was a chocolate mix, which is similar to the one we made so I will tell you the in-tire procedure. You take cream (or olive oil) and cook it until it bubbles. Then take it away from the heat and add lavender. You then let the mix sit for about another 20 minutes and then put the main ingredients gnash, and chocolate. The chocolate are huge chocolate bits, which melt, instantaneously in the warm cream. You then mix the chocolate and cream until it looks right smooth. Then you add the honey and stir once again followed by some water. You then pour the entire mix into a container and let it sit for half-hour at room temperature. To speed up the process you can put in the refrigerator for a few minutes. We then got cream truffles and olive oil truffles and rolled each into chocolate balls. These where then placed into coco-powder, which sticks all around the ball to create a seal. The olive oil mix is much harder to roll due to olives oil added into it. The Cream was much easier to control yet still hard in general.

         At the work place we met some interesting people. One was Mr. McAfee who had built Get-Fresh and works in green construction and has hundreds of connections in the green community. We wrapped up and packed our truffles into tin cans, which I forgot, at the place. “!!!!!!!!!” We bought some food there and then left in Hannah’s mom’s car. She dropped each of us off at our houses and that was my day!

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