4/4 the Door project
Last Friday Lilly, Henry, Jack G, David, and Gaia and I worked on the door that arrived sometime last week. Up until that point we had to start plotting out what we wanted to paint on the door that is inspirational to school children but also symbolizes that great things can come out of tragedies. What I am planning on painting is this watter drop that will have some famous New Orleans traits inside of it (music, Mardi Gras, food, etc), and then on the outside the drop there will be New York traits but not the usual touristic things (Empire state, big apple, taxis). I am going to do more personal icons in the city because I feel like it makes a greater connection that way. Also, while I was doing this, I realized that there is a lot of symbolism incorporated in the door. This made me feel like there is a hidden message in the door for the school who recieves the door that’s written in a creative way.