Our Daily Bread
On March 28th, I managed to get a copy of the movie Our Daily Bread and I watched it. It was a very compelling movie about the conflicts among harvesting, producing and packing food. I thought it was relatively like Fast Food Nation, but incredibly different because in ways it made more of an impact on you. This was real life, no actors. Also it was behind the scenes at a meatpacking plant and the truth can scare you more than a movie because you can’t convince someone that a movie is true. Also, the movie really affected me because there was no dialogue. I think that that really made you think about how important and how incredibly horrible what was going on actually is. You had a lot of time to think about how you were acting and contributing to this horrible situation too. The lack of dialogue actually made you insert your own dialogue. This movie really impacted my views about sustainability and the worldwide lack of informed people. It was also very disappointing. I spent about two hours watching that.
-Ama Torres