For my second post, I visited The Hebrew Union College, or HUC for short. Every Monday, from 3 to 6. While it is at a Jewish college for Rabbis, it isn’t religious at all. The very first thing that I did was to help out in the kitchen, peeling lettuce and plopping jelly and peanut butter on the plate. Then, I started to have a little break where I played on my phone. At about five to five, I started to help setting up plates and serving people. More than one hundred people came to get a hot meal. Some of the people were a little crazy, but a few of the others were really nice and interesting. We served franks, beans, collard greens, carrots and peas. We also gave out juice, milk, cookies and chocolate muffins. I really enjoyed it because unlike my first visit, I actually had something to do for almost the entire time. I really had a lot of fun. My aim for next time is to help out more and make myself even more useful.