Aaron-3/25/09-Museum of Art and Design
Today Bella and I went to see the Second Lives: Remixing the Ordinary exhibit at the Museum of Art and Design. It was a very interesting exhibit. Two floors filled with statues and objects and different types of art made out of recycled materials. One of the most interesting sculptures was made out of buttons and glue. It was made by Tara Donovan and was entitled Bluffs. Unfortunately we weren’t allowed to take pictures, but I was able to find one online. Upon first seeing the sculpture in person you think it is a crystal or rare gem. When you get up close and read the sign you are amazed at how beautiful it actually is. Bluffs by Tara DonovanAnother interesting sculture was hanging from a ceiling. From far away you may think it is a chandelear. When you get up close you find out they are spectacles. 1,020 spectacles to be exact. It was so fascinating that the artist but so much work into this and how nice it actually looked.
Spectacles by Stuart Haygarth
Metal Jacket made out of 3,000 dog tags on U.S. military jacket fabric liner. Created by Do Ho Suh.
Meltdown Chair: PP Tube was made out of Polypropylene Tube. It was created by Tom Price. I could go on and on about the amazing things we saw, but that would get boring. So I suggest you go see the exhibit. It is really fascinating and there are objects made out of the weirdest things you would have never though about in a million years. I had a fun time and was very surprised. Overall, it was a great experience. Our next visit is on Friday. We are going to go a garden that is part of Riverside Park with an organization called Trees NYC. We will be adding logs to a hillside walkway to prevent erosion. This is going to involve digging, placing logs in place, and pounding in stakes. I am prepared to get dirty.