Sasha, 4/30/08, conclusion
I am very relieved that this is all over. I can’t believe we have been doing this for four whole months! I think that our workshop did pretty well. I ran “Make Trees, Save the Planet!” with Brianna and Amy. The second workshop was a lot better than the first because we learned what to do and what not to do from the first workshop. Most kids were accepting and they tried hard, but of course there were the few who were fresh and had an all- around horrible attitude. The finished product was not at all what I had expected it to be, but it was still good. The thing is, without knowing it, Brianna, Amy, and I had had different visions of what the final product was going to look like, even though our descriptions to each other seemed the same.
One thing that confused me was that I had previously thought that each group was going to be presenting exactly what they had done. For example, I would have had to show the signs I made for the sales I did for malaria, and Julian, Aaron, and Zaran would have had to present whatever they did to fight malaria. But we never did that.
Lastly, I loved the cake! It was good to have a celebration after so much hard work.