Day of Learning

After months of work, the day finally came. At 9 o’clock, when staring at 11 5-7th graders it was time to begin… and pray the workshop would be a success.  When out workshop started rolling one group was a lot more productive then the other.  The reason of this is because the productive group was with candy and a graham cracker house and forced to design a house before building.  The other group was just carelessly throwing on candy.  When the productive group started they were great and I was really impressed.  While getting ready for the next session, without even a secound of though all three of my partners and I knew that for the next group we would make them follow how the productive group went about.  As expected they secound session went smoothly.          For next year, with the workshops I think they are a great idea, but they have to be longer.  Also if possible, not taking away from how well our Panel and the guest speaker for our grade, I think when learning about something like this if we could incorperate more hands on and less sitting down listenin to someone speak it would be even better.  

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