4/30/08–Greenmarket Day of Learning

I can’t believe this project is finally over! I thought that today went well. It was nice to be able to have a day of mostly relaxation after such a long project. In my workshop, things went smoothly. The kids were all well enough behaved and did what we wanted them to…. though not that many of them ate much fruit salad. We ended up throwing a bunch out which isn’t very sustainable I guess. Of the people who talked, I liked Josh the best. I think he was the most used to talking to groups. I thought it was unbelievable how much waste people produce every single day. And I liked what he and also Dave said about just trying to do one small thing each day. I am glad to be done with this project, but I really did enjoy it. I hope to keep connected with people like Davy, Liz Carollo, and some other farmers. Maybe next year or even over the summer I can help out again. I hope so.

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