4/30 DAy oF LeArnInG………Lilly Day

I think that today went extremely well, and that the 5th, 6th, and 7th graders enjoyed our workshop on recycled art greatly. It was a little tight trying to fit in a well planned art lesson in 30 -40 min, but in the end i was extremely impressed by the outcome of the creations the kids came up with. I was also very surprised at how many things we had to offer that i wasn’t aware we would be having, such as Josh coming to speak with the school and us, and having soo many videos. I enjoyed all of the day, and am very happy to say that i think on some level we made a difference to how kids think about sustainability in our school, and hopefully they will go on to tell other people about what they have learned today, and so the chain shall begin! I think that the facts Josh dished out about what and how much we use in so little time, really affected me greatly, as well as the rest of the students at the assembely. His visit taught me a lot, especially about what i might be able to do to help. I am extremely pleased all around, and think that it is wonderful we were able to get everything done on time. 🙂

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