4/11/08 Center for Architecture
This post and the following post were saved as word documents on my computer. I added one or two sentences at the end.
Today after school, I went to the center of architecture for an interview with a woman named Grace Huan. I had never been there before, but I had the general whereabouts of where it was. Sadly, I was kept in study group so I got there late. I missed part of the interview, but I got the gist of what happened while I was gone. Grace was very charismatic and easy to talk to. We kept coming up for questions for her, even when we were finished with the ones we had prepared. She was also informative, and explained many things I knew nothing about. For example, I now understand more how the LEED system works, and how it is enforced. It went very well overall, and it went by a lot quicker than I expected. I learned quite a bit from the interview, and was able to use most of it in my exposé.
-The Rob