4/19 Center For Architecture Foundation
Today Robbie and I went to the Center for Architecture Foundation for about 2 hours. This was our last meet with our coordinator, Grace Huang. I got to the center around 9:45, and Robbie had gotten there around 9:30. We helped set up the tables and put out some of the supplies, before the families started to arrive. At this session we didn’t really get a chance to learn too much about green architecture, but we met Mr. Bleecker, whose name was taken as a name of a street, Bleecker street. After we listened to what he presented to us about his job as a photographer, one of the architects gave us a short introduction on what we were going to do for the session. We were going to walk around Bleecker street, and look at the architecture around us. Then, we had to find different details in the buildings, and draw them. I didn’t like this activity too much, but I think it was more for the little kids in the group. After about a half an hour outside, we went back to the center and made pop-up buildings, drew designs, and pasted different shapes onto the buildings that were popping out. Although their were only 4 families at the family day, and Robbie and I were the only people from LREI who went to the session, I had a lot of fun and learned that Bleecker street is actually named after someone! It was a little sad that that was the last session, but I felt that I learned a lot over all, and would want to continue to learn about green architecture in the future.