4/11 Center for Architecture Foundation (Interview)
Today I went to interview Grace Huang with Ella, Calen, Niles, Manny, and Robbie. The interview lasted a little longer than an hour. Ella and I got there a little before 3:30, the time we were supposed to meet. We talked a little about Grace’s interest in art and teaching, which lead to our conversation about her job at the Center for Architecture. We changed the subject a few times here and there, but it all lead to green architecture and her job that she has at the center. I had fun getting to know Grace a little more, although we had a few technical difficulties getting the recorder to work. I learned that Grace was more into art and teaching than architecture, but the job as a teacher became available, and the more time she spent learning about architecture, the more she fell in love with it. Grace answered each of our questions thoughtfully and asked for a clarification If something seemed confusing. She seemed calm and relaxed, but also excited I think because we were so interesting in what she was doing and green architecture. Green architecture is also very important, so getting young people like us interesting in helping to slow down and hopefully stop global warming is very important. Overall, I think that everything went very well and I learned a lot about Grace, and a little more about green architecture.