4/8 Solar One

Today, Me and Nicholas had a very nice chat with Chris Kennedy (the educator) He explained a lot about how energy has a lot to do with sustainability. He gave us questions and we gave him questions and in return we learned something about each other and something about Solar One.  In the area there’s a power plant and a gas station, so ironicilly Solar One is in between the two.  I think it’s a symbol showing that no matter how small you are you can still save.  What I recognized about the place was how small it was.  I thought it would be huge but really it’s about the size of my apartment, maybe smaller.  So he then took us outside and showed us the Stuyvasent Cove Park.  It’s made of recycled benches, and native plants so it really was a sustainable park.  He also, showed us the compost bins.  I learned a lot about solar one today and I think I have a lot of info for the paper we need to right We are meeting on Monday at around 5 for an interview -David 

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