Center for Architecture
Today. Thursday April 3rd, Quinn and I went to theCenter For Architecture on Bleaker and McDougal Street. The place we went towas an exhibit open to the public that had a gallery about the new green basedon the Bank of America Tower. The architects of the building are the samearchitects that Quinn and I visited before break. When showed up todaywere uncertain of how to go about the building. There was no guided tourof even someone who worked there who was there to answer questions. Aftera while of walking around in confusion we found what we were looking for whichwas an exhibit on the Bank of America Tower.
The exhibit was filled with green statistics aboutthe building. Quinn and I collected some that stuck out to us.
Such as,
-The air inside the building is cleaner then theair outside of it
-56,250 tons of CO2 prevented from entering the atmosphere
-Roughly 40% of the building materials come fromwithin 500 miles of NYC
-67% of the buildings debris is recycled
-Since of the buildings main goals is to beenergy efficient their energy use is self generated so is uses around 300% lessenergy then the typical building
-The tower uses waterless urinals, which conserve 3million gallons of water each year.
-The building uses a lot of sunlight for light andit shows 16% of students test scores raise due to daylight
-The building aims to contribute zero output ofstorm water in the cities sewer system
-The building only has 23% energy lost compared to73% or the typical building
-83% of the construction waste is recycled
-90% ofsmug is made from 50% of power plants