4/1 City Arts Project Doors Of Hope
Henry, Ella, Maya, Amy, Lilly, Cameron, Aliza, Emma, Maya P.H. and I met in the art room at 12:00, for the door project. We sat down and discussed whether or not we had to still work on sketches or not. Most of the group said they still had to finish up their sketch or start it. We were given a choice to work on our section of the door with a partner or by ourselves. I decided to work with Gaia. Gaia and I got a piece of paper and pencil and sketched out our design. We decided that we were going to draw flowers and write words. Once we had the sketch down we got some color pencils and filled that in so that we could get a sense of what colors we wanted to use to paint on the door. We decided that we were going to add an inspiring quote. We did and then drew around that and had the idea that maybe the words could be shaped in a certain form to make it more appealing. I felt that so far I didn’t do much, I don’t feel like I really helped out. But I think that once we get to sketch our design on the door, I will feel like I helped out. It took me a while to realize that at first I wasn’t going to get to start painting right away. The process now I realize is a lot longer than I would imagine. I just wonder if we are going to do more than one door or not.