3/20 Against Malaria

I started at 10:00. I made fliers, in color, for madness against malaria. The fliers said that Malaria is the leading cause to children under seven and pregnant women. They said that most cases of malaria are found in Africa. Many parts of Africa are very poor and don’t have the resources to fight this deadly disease. However, only five dollars can buy a mosquito net for a possible, or even a soon to be victim of malaria. At the bottom of the fliers was the website information. It said that you could see pictures of he person that would be receiving the five dollar mosquito net and any possible contact information if they want to give it out or if they have any. At the top they said in big, bold letters, 7 JUMBO JETS OF CHILDREN DIE OF MALARIA EACH DAY. After the original was made, I printed it out and went to Kinko’s and made eighty-five copies of it. I think that the handout doesn’t just preach, but let people know what they can do. It doesn’t accuse them of not caring, it says how they can care more and show. I think that people will definitely respond to it in a positive and progressive way.

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