2/20/08, Madness Against Malaria, Sasha
This reflection is about a conference our group had with Rob Mather, the head of the Madness Against Malaria foundation. Our group consists of Zaran, Julian, Aaron, and me. The whole time of the conference, I felt interested because he told us the story of how Madness Against Malaria came to be. The conference went well. No one was rude. This is what he told us: to make a long story short, he heard that Malaria was the #1 killer of pregnant women and childeren under 5 all over the world. He wanted to do something about it, so he started organizing swims. The first swim, he only raised $1/4 million. But the second swim, he exceded his goal of $1 million by making 1.3 million dollars. There is another swim this year. After the first swim, he decided to make what he was doing into an organization. What I learned about the organization’s inner workings is two things. The first thing is that Rob Mather runs the whole thing, and he only has a few helpers. The other thing I learned through the conference call with him is that you need a special liscense to receive donations and distribute them for good causes. Robert Mather had to get one of those. A goal I want to set for my next session is to be very productive in whatever I decide to do. I have no questions for my teachers of group members. What step I have to take now is to think of what I am going to do next. I want to remember everything I have written here for the Day of Learning presentation. I cannot put up photos because my camera broke 🙁