
1. IRB

2. Continue working on your ABC of Islam page. Look for ABCs of Islam pages to the left for websites.

3. Crusades test on Thursday! Mars don’t forget you take your test on Wednesday (tomorrow).


1. IRB

2. Study for your Crusade Word Quiz, Tuesday.

3. Organize your Crusade review notes – you may want to type everything out – and study! The Crusade Test will be on Thursday.


1. IRB – some of you are not on track to make the 25 books by year end goal. Make sure you are reading every night. Come see me so I can adjust your book count if you are in the middle of a big book or series.

2. Crusades Word Quiz on Tuesday (words 11-20).

3. We will review what will be on the Crusades test tomorrow. Your test will be on Thursday (3/18).


1. IRB

2. Bring in your annotated HOW TO TELL SUNNIS AND SHI’ITES APART handout that I gave you on Friday class.

3. On Tuesday know words 1-10 that were taken from the Broadsheet. I distributed these words (and they are listed below on the blog) earlier today.


1. IRB

2. Type and print the following: Design FOUR questions (with answers!) that could be added to a test about the Crusades. Use your spiral notebook and Broadsheets to help you do this.

3. Read and annotate HOW TO TELL SUNNIS AND SHI’ITES APART handout that I gave you in class.

4. On Tuesday know words 1-10 that were taken from the Broadsheet. I distributed these words (and they are listed below on the blog) earlier today.


1. IRB

2. Type and print the following: Design FOUR questions that could be added to a test about the Crusades. Use your spiral notebook and Broadsheets to help you do this.

3. Read and annotate Sunni Shiaa handout that I gave you in class.

4. On Tuesday know words 1-10 that were taken from the Broadsheet.  (This list was typed by Juliet – be sure to thank her for doing this!)

1. Heretics: those who disagree or reject with the teachings of the church.
2. Hostels: places set aside for pilgrims to rest, sleep and eat.
3. Indulgences: partial forgiveness of punishment for sins after absolution in granted.
4. Martial: having to do with the military.
5. Pagans: nonbelievers.
6. Remission: having to do with the release from sin, debt or obligation.
7. Salvation: the deliverance of the soul from sin.
8. Breach:  a break in friendly relations between two parties.
9. Civilians: non-military persons.
10. Fortified: strengthened walls and towers.

11. Subjugating: to bring under one’s domination or control.
12. Wary: cautious.
13. Booty: property taken by the victors in war or battle.
14. Charismatic: a unique quality that gives a person special appeal and influence over others.
15. Contemporaries: those who live in the same time period.
16. Deposed: thrown out of power.
17. Desecrated: treated with utter disrespect.
18. Diverted: put off of one’s original plan or route.
19. Duplicity: saying one thing and doing another.
20. Galvanized: to stun or startle into action.

21. Mantle: a cloak; something that covers.
22. Prelude: a brief period that comes before a series of events and often sets the stage for what is to follow.
23. Stalemate: a situation in which there are no clear victors; a draw.
24. Vizier: a high official in the lands ruled by Muslims.
25. Vulnerable: open to attack; weak
26. Dismay: concerned disbelief.
27. Negotiated: to come to an agreement with another party through a series of discussions.
28. Ransomed: to gain someone’s release from imprisonment in return for a payment of money.
29. Reinforcements: additional troops and food with which to wage war.
30. Renounced: to reject and turn away from.
31. Truce: a period in which no fighting takes place.


1. IRB

2. There will be a quiz on Monday or Tuesday on the vocabulary from the broadsheets. Make index cards to study from!

3. Due Friday: Design FOUR questions that could be added to a test about the Crusades. Use your spiral notebook and Broadsheets to help you do this.


1. IRB

2. Read and annotate “LATER CRUSADES”. Make sure you make notes in the margins. Do NOT use a high lighter.


IRB – make a goal for yourself and try to achieve it. For example, set a goal of a certain amount of pages (example, 40 pages) or chapters (example, 3 chapters). Read, read, read!


1. IRB

2. Literature Circles meet for the last time tomorrow. Get a “4”! You will be handing in your packet so make sure you have every job done.