Category: Uncategorized


1. IRB

2. Good Word Quiz on Friday

3. Read page 21-32, “The Story of the Fisherman & Demon.” Type answers to questions A & B (see below).

  • A. Write at least 4 sentences explaining the lesson the reader is suppose to learn from Scheherazade’s story, “The Story of the Fisherman and the Demon.”
  • B. The demon says, “I angered God and he put me in this brass jar and sealed it tight. Then he threw me into the sea…” Write the story about what the demon did to anger God from the demons point of view.


1. IRB

2. DISC field day tomorrow.  Wear your sneakers and bring a lunch!

3. Good Word quiz on Friday. Words below.

Core A

1.     Iridescent: Showing luminous colors that seem to change when seen from different angles
2.     Armada: A large group of warships
3.     Indeterminate: Not known or established.
4.     Confectionary: An expert at making candy
5.     Disenchanted: Freed from illusion
6.     Incantation: A series of words said as a magic spell or charm
7.     Thrust: To push or to drive with force
8.     Wafted: To float
9.      Intellectual: A person that is very intelligent
10.    Mesmerize: To compel by fascination

Core B

1.     Proboscis: A snout like an elephant’s trunk
2.     Consent: Permission for something to happen or agreement to do something
3.     Hybrid: An offspring of two animals of different races or species
4.     Heroine: A woman noted for her courage
5.     Disheveled: Not neat – sloppy, messy
6.     Delirious: Uncontrollable excitement and other feelings
7.     Contrast: Compare something to show the difference
8.     Jongleur: An traveling musician from the middle ages
9.     Facilitate: To make something easier or easy
10.  Lather: A frothy white mass of bubbles produced by soap or a similar cleansing substance when mixed with water.


1. IRB

2. Good Words due on Monday

3. Your final draft of your curriculum night letter to your parents is due on Monday


1. IRB

2. Rehearse your Book Talks at home! Make sure you cover each of the rubric categories (and subcategories). Double check that your slides are not longer than 20 words. Time yourself and make sure your book talk is 5 minutes long.

3. Bring in your blank composition/marble notebook that you will use as your writer’s notebook.


1. IRB

2. Tomorrow, Mark will run the student election during Adolescent Issues. EVERYBODY must write an election bid. This should be typed, grammar checked and proofread. You will NOT be forced to run, but if you do not complete this assignment you will get a Home Work Slip.

Some questions to consider when writing your bid:
* What will you do for your peers if elected?
* How will you better the school?
* Why are you the best choice for this position?
* What is your vision of the school?


1. IRB

2. Keep working on your Book Talks. You should be finishing up your power point slides now so you can start rehearsing soon.


1. IRB

2. Continue preparing your Book Talks. Remember, only 20 words per slide and try to incorporate pictures when appropriate.

The only slide that you are allowed more than 20 words is if you choose to write out your QUOTE. (Keep in mind, the idea behind limiting the words per slide is to prevent you from reading your projection word-for-word.  Use the slides as bullet point prompts.)


1. IRB – You should carve out at least 20 minutes to read your independent reading book every night.

2. Work on your book talks! Use the rubric to take some notes for your presentation. Make sure you bring your work (book, notes, etc.) with you to class tomorrow!


1. IRB

2. Bring extra bags to pack up the room tomorrow!  Everything must get emptied out of desks, lockers, seatsacks, etc.