1. IRB
2. DISC field day tomorrow. Wear your sneakers and bring a lunch!
3. Good Word quiz on Friday. Words below.
Core A
1. Iridescent: Showing luminous colors that seem to change when seen from different angles
2. Armada: A large group of warships
3. Indeterminate: Not known or established.
4. Confectionary: An expert at making candy
5. Disenchanted: Freed from illusion
6. Incantation: A series of words said as a magic spell or charm
7. Thrust: To push or to drive with force
8. Wafted: To float
9. Intellectual: A person that is very intelligent
10. Mesmerize: To compel by fascination
Core B
1. Proboscis: A snout like an elephant’s trunk
2. Consent: Permission for something to happen or agreement to do something
3. Hybrid: An offspring of two animals of different races or species
4. Heroine: A woman noted for her courage
5. Disheveled: Not neat – sloppy, messy
6. Delirious: Uncontrollable excitement and other feelings
7. Contrast: Compare something to show the difference
8. Jongleur: An traveling musician from the middle ages
9. Facilitate: To make something easier or easy
10. Lather: A frothy white mass of bubbles produced by soap or a similar cleansing substance when mixed with water.