Category: Uncategorized

1. IRB

2. Current Events = Sam’s Group @ 8:30am

3. Literature Circle Jobs due on Thursday for Chapter 4

4. Bring $ for Thursday’s Book Fair

5. Good Word Quiz on Friday

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1. IRB

2. New Good Words due on Monday.

3. Finish Cathedral worksheets

4. Study Good Words for quiz on Tuesday. Words are below:
Core A
1. Versatile: able to adapt or be adapted to many different functions
2. Gait: to walk or stride
3. Foray: A sudden attack or incursion into enemy territory
4. Alliteration: The repetition of consonant sounds in two or more neighboring words
5. Criteria: Standard by which something may be judged or decided
6. Fastidious: Very attentive and concerned about accuracy and detail
7. Innovative: To introduce something new
8. Unprecedented: never done or known before
9. Bewildered: To be perplexed or confused
10. Flatulence: To fart or have gas. Also to feel queasy in the stomach

Core B
1. Admonished: Warn or reprimand someone firmly
2. Rancid: a foul, disgusting smell or taste
3. Accumulated: Gather together or acquire an increasing number or quantity
4. Abdicate: To renounce one’s throne
5. Cutpurse: An old-fashioned word for pickpocket
6. Flatulence: To fart or have gas. Also to feel queasy in the stomach
7. Thatched: roof made of straw
8. Bliss: supreme happiness utter joy or contentment
9. Veered: Change direction suddenly
10 Alliteration: The repetition of consonant sounds in two or more neighboring word

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1. IRB

2. I am collecting Parzival Books tomorrow. Make sure chapter 3 has at least the following annotations:
A. Vocabulary is circled and defined in the margin.
B. There are underlinings and notes in the margin showing –
– evidence of a feudal society
– evidence of a religious society
– symbolism
– simile
– your predictions
– your questions


1. IRB – Set a goal for yourself and achieve it. For example, I will read 3 chapters tonight. Or I will read 40 pages.


1. IRB

2. Continue prepping your current events

3. Castle Test on Tuesday – study!!!

4. Bring in a donated can if you haven’t already.


1. IRB

2. Type and print the responses to the core castle prompts you did this morning. (Reminder of the prompts: (1) Find two important facts from your castle worksheet. (2) Generate (make) a question you still have about castles. (3) List three important terms you learned from about castles.

We will review this on Monday and Tuesday. Your castle test will be on Wednesday.

3. Current Events prep is ongoing


1. IRB

2. Remember your next graded quiz in Parzival will be the annotations you make in Chapter 3.  Take careful notes (underline, jot questions/predictions/comments in the margins, define words you do not know, etc.).

3. Your Current Events presentations “Due Dates” have been updated in pages (to the left). This is a perfect time to show your parents the work you have done and get some feedback from them. Edit, revise and practice!

4. Bring in your canned good for the class.


1. IRB

2. Continue preparing your Current Events


3. Type and print a response to the following question, which will count for 30 points towards your Chapter 2 Quiz.

Answer two of the questions below (30 points total):

A. Explain, in detail, the scene from chapter 2 that is taking place in this painting.

B. The painting shows an untrained boy fighting a highly skilled knight. What does this tell us about Parzival?

C. What is symbolism?
What do the colors in this painting represent symbolically?


1. IRB

2. Finish all the castle worksheets and bring them in on Monday

3. Continue preparing your Current Events presentation

4. Take careful notes in Parzival, chapter two. I encourage you to write the definitions in the margins and to take some notes in the margins.


1. IRB

2. Continue preparing your Current Events. Utilize the Google Document that I shared with you. Remember to discuss the jobs your peers have to do – particularly if they are going away.