Category: Uncategorized


1. IRB

2. Continue working on you Current Events presentation

3. Read Hamlet Act I Scene V.

4. HAMLET CLOSE READING (Extra Credit for Hamlet Quiz = 5 points):

Go back to the readings we have covered in Hamlet and pick a scene that resonated with you. Reread your notes and then go to the Shakespearean section of the book. Annotate it (Circle words you don’t know, underline important sections and write notes in the margin, use booms, etc.) and then write a 3-5-sentence response to what you’ve read.

Do NOT summarize the reading; instead tell me why it’s important to you, the play, a character, etc.

You must type this assignment and also create an illustration that accompanies this in order to get all 5 points of extra credit.

Due Wednesday at AM Homeroom.


1. IRB

2. Picture day is Monday

3. Read Hamlet Act I Scene IV

4. Continue preparing your Current Events

5. New Good Words due on Monday. Find the downloadable forms in PAGES (to the left)


1. IRB

2. Read Hamlet, Act I Scene 3. Make sure you circle words you do not know & define them! Take notes in the margins.

3. Good Word Quiz Friday, 10/2.

4. Continue preparing your Current Event work.


1. IRB

2. Hamlet Act I Scene II will be covered tomorrow. Make sure you are taking notes in the margins, circling words you don’t know, etc.

3. Current Event preparations should be ongoing. Do research work at home! Bring in concrete work that your group can use.

4. Good Word quiz Friday.


Tomorrow is DISC Field Day…BRING A BAGGED LUNCH!

1. IRB

2. Read Hamlet – Act I Scene II

3. Continue preparing your Current Events

4. Good Word Quiz on Friday. Words are listed below.

Core A
1. Compensation: something given to make up for a loss, time, etc. Example = a Salary
2. Discreet: careful in ones speech or actions as not to reveal anything
3. Maliciously: Intentionally wanting to do something bad or harmful (bad intent)
4. Serene: Peaceful and calm
5. Defiant: Open resistance; bold disobedience
6. Betwixt: In between or in the middle of
7. Espionage: The use of spies to get military or political secrets
8. Ambling: Walking quietly
9. Incarcerated: Being in jail
10. Fictitious: When something is non-existent or imaginary

Core B
1. Fruitless: a waste of time that will result in nothing
2. Adequate: Fully sufficient for the purpose.
3. Meticulous: A person’s extreme care in details
4. Anxiety: To be nervous about something
5. Tariff: A tax or duty to be paid on a particular import or export
6. Blatantly: Something that is completely obvious
7. Quantum: A sum, amount, quantity
8. Mesmerized: Having your attention fixated
9. Lunar: Of or related to the moon
10. Dreary: Boring, gloomy


1. IRB

2. Finish reading Hamlet, Act I Scene I. (stop at page 26)
Also, read the photocopied Graphic Novel rendition of this scene. We’ll discuss it in class so bring it on Tuesday.

3. Start your Current Events preparation. Group leaders should help decide (and keep track of) who’s doing what. Everybody should have a CONCRETE piece of work done over the weekend. Also, make sure you exchange emails and phone numbers with people in your group.


1. IRB

2. Prepare for your Current Events
a. Read the Current Events Handout in “PAGES”
b. Find an article that you find newsworthy
c. Print out enough copies for your whole group
d. Write a paragraph summarizing what you have read


1. IRB

2. Booktalk presentations are ongoing

3. Good Word – Index Cards
A.Write the word I selected from your Good Word page in marker on the index card.
B. Then write the definition beneath it in pen.
C. Draw a picture that illustrates your word on the card
D. In the bottom right corner put your Core Section (A or B)


1. IRB

2. Booktalk presentations ALL occur this week.

3. Bring in your student rep speeches for Tuesday’s (tomorrow) Adolescent Issues

4. Good Words will be collected tomorrow.


1. IRB
2. Start planning your Booktalks. Remember, things you can work on at home are: find info on author, discuss the significance of title, research awards the book won, etc.
Also, start working on the handout you plan on distributing at your Booktalk.