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1. IRB – You should be finishing your 6th book by the end of the week.

2. Start studying for your Scandinavia Geography Quiz (FRIDAY)

3. We will start preparing Booktalks tomorrow. Make sure you have your books in school.


1. IRB (you should be finishing your 6th book soon if you plan to keep up with the 25 books by year end goal)

2. Geography Quiz on Friday. Know the worksheet we went over in class today.

3. Start preparing your next Booktalk!

4. Fill out your Good Word card


1. IRB

2. I will be collecting your Hamlet books tomorrow. I want to see annotations. Particularly, I want to see notes in the margins. Of course, I also want you to circle (and define) words you don’t know, boom words, underline, etc.

3. Good Word Quiz tomorrow.

4. Bring in the book you want to Booktalk for 2nd Quarter & keep it in school so we can start preparing.


1. IRB

2. Bring in your Hamlet for Tuesday.

3. Remember, I will be collecting your Hamlet books to grade your annotations. Make sure you are booming important words, defining words you don’t know, and writing notes in the margins!

4. Start thinking about your next booktalk.

5. New Good Words due Tuesday. Good Word quiz on Tuesday. List is below:
Core A
1.    Antonym: a word opposite in meaning to another.  An example is FAST is an antonym of SLOW
2.    Satirist: A person who creates artistic work that makes fun of something
3.    Belittle: To make something seem smaller in a negative way
4.    Hydraulic: Powered or moved by water pressure
5.    infancy: The earliest stage of anything
6.    Troup: A band of singers, actors or other performers and entertainers that travel about
7.    Shrill: High pitched, piercing
8.    Hallucinations: An experience that is a seemingly real perception of something that does not exist
9.    Vicinity: An area near or surrounding a place
10.    Heroine: A woman of courage (the female version of “HERO”)

Core B

1.    Consumer: A person who purchases goods for personal use
2.    Contempt: A intense feeling or attitude in regards to something or someone as worthless
3.    Thwarted: To prevent the occurrence or realization of
4.    misinterpreting: TO understand incorrectly
5.    Tidings: news and information
6.    Civic: Of or relating to a city especially how it’s run
7.    Metamorphisis A complete change of form
8.    Antagonist: the villain in a story
9.    Antonym: a word opposite in meaning to another.  An example is FAST is an antonym of SLOW
10.    Protagonist: a hero in a story


1. IRB

2. Bring in your Hamlet book. Remember, I will be grading your annotations sometime next week. Make sure you take notes in the margins and define words you don’t know.

3. Make sure you have your writer’s notebook in class tomorrow.


1. IRB

2. We have a field trip to the Cloister’s tomorrow. Bring a bagged lunch!

3. Make sure you have taken careful notes in your book on Hamlet. We will have a quiz on what we’ve read thus far tomorrow morning.

4. Olivia and Sara’s groups will be presenting their Current Events on Thursday.


1. IRB – I want to see everybody with at least TWO book cards up after the long weekend.

2. Reminder that new Good Words are due on Tuesday. I will NOT accept Good Words printed on two pages.  Use one page and refeed it back into the printer.  Good Word Quiz on Tuesday. See the list below.

3. Continue preparing for your Current Events

4. Finish reading Hamlet Act II Scene I (finish at page 109)

Good Words:

Core A

  1. Carousing: To consume large amounts of alcohol and to be loud and noisy
  2. Quarantine: A strict isolation imposed to prevent the spread of disease
  3. Purgatory: A place or state of suffering inhabited by the souls of sinners who are trying to make up for their sins before going to heaven.
  4. Trivial: Something of very little importance or value
  5. Essential: absolutely necessary. Extremely important
  6. Scant: a small amount
  7. Buttressed a projecting support of stone or brick against a wall
  8. Improvisation: to create and/or perform on the spot
  9. Faltered: to stumble or stammer
  10. Dubious: Arousing doubt; questionable

Core B

  1. Reclusive: someone seeking or preferring seclusion or isolation.
  2. Disheveled: TO be unkempt or untidy
  3. Truancy: To miss school
  4. Fabrication: an untruthful statement
  5. Pictorial: Pertaining to, expressed in, or of the nature of a picture
  6. Callous: Hard, harsh, cold
  7. Avenge: to inflict harm or revenge on one’s wrong doing
  8. Trembling: a uncontrollable movement associated with fear
  9. Copasetic: without a problem.  When everything is fine.
  10. Quarantine: A strict isolation imposed to prevent the spread of disease


1. IRB. Set a goal (3 chapters, 30 pages, etc. and try to meet it tonight. You should be finishing your 3rd book by now if you want to stay on track to meet 25 books by year end.)

2. New Good Words will be due on Tuesday. Good Word quiz on Tuesday.

3. Cont preparing your Current Events.


1. IRB

2. Current Events start tomorrow. There will be no more class time allocated to preparing for your presentation. Make plans to work on your Current Events outside of class.

3. Tomorrow we will be filming a short clip on each student’s memory of Virgilio (the recently retired Head of LREI maintenance). Virgilio worked at LREI for 30 years and as we discussed in class was responsible for many things ranging from: leading the maintenance staff to repairing the building.  He helped coordinate the “facelift” many classrooms recently underwent during the summer and he’s also responsible for all the buildings (Lower, Middle & High School).  Write a short (4-5 sentences) memory you have of Virgilio.


1. IRB

2. Fill out the GOOD WORD card and illustrate it.

3. Cont preparing your Current Events

4. Last chance to hand in “Hamlet Close Reading” extra credit