Category: Uncategorized


1. IRB

2. Tools to City Schools! Do some chores around the house. Bring in the certificate tomorrow.


1. IRB

2. Finish your self-assessments for the ABCs of Islam if you haven’t already.

3. Practice your Poetry! The annual sixth grade poetry and potluck breakfast will take place on tomorrow, June 8th at 8:00AM in the cafeteria.


1. IRB

2. Practice your poetry! Look over the notes you made on your poetry. Take dramatic pauses! Perform! Project! Smile! Make eye contact!

3. Do (at least) one hour of work and bring in the certificate for Tools for City Schools!


1. IRB

2. Your essays are due tomorrow. Make sure you have looked over the Essay Checklist I gave you yesterday and bring in all relevant parts (Drafts, Peer Conferencing, Final Version, etc.)

3. Core Reflections are due tomorrow.  Email them to me:



1. IRB

2. Recite your poem to an adult.  Get them to sign your poem and bring it in to school tomorrow.  Ask them what they think of your reading.  Ask them to read it to you so you can hear what it sounds like.

3. Bring in your cover for the 6th Grade Poetry Anthology

4. Essays are due on Friday




1. IRB – if you have not updated your cards…do so tonight!

2. Finish your poetry page. Save it digitally in case there are revisions that need to be made. This will be printed in black and white so don’t use colors if you are adding an image.

Remember to put your full (first and last name) at the top of the page.


Tomorrow is FIELD DAY! Bring a bagged lunch, plenty of fluids and sunblock.

1. IRB

2. Finish revising your essay. Have a printed copy, double-spaced in times roman 12-point font in tomorrow.

3. Make sure you bring in your independent reading book.


1. IRB

2. Finish your sestinas tonight. Remember her are the words for your second sestina:



And here is the order you should follow:
Stanza 1: A, B, C, D, E, F
Stanza 2: F, A, E, B, D, C
Stanza 3: C, F, D, A, B, E
Stanza 4: E, C, B, F, A, D
Stanza 5: D, E, A, C, F, B
Stanza 6: B, D, F, E, C, A
Tercet: AB CD EF

3. Finish revising Body Paragraph 2 & 3.


1. IRB

2. Revise your Introduction and Body paragraph 1 tonight. Remember, I modeled how long it takes to thoroughly and thoughtfully comb through each sentence. Take your time and do your best to revise each sentence to make the paragraph stronger.

May 24

1. IRB

2. Finish the peer conferencing worksheet. Make sure you have a copious amount of local comments on your partner’s essay. Also, make sure every line is filled out on the worksheet.