Category: Homework


1. IRB

2. Good Word Quiz tomorrow – Cathedral #2 Ditto

3. Continue working on your Lit Circle work.  I will collect the investigator ditto tomorrow.

4. Work on your Current Events!  Make sure you have something concrete to come in with tomorrow!


1. IRB

2. We meet our buddies tomorrow.  Ryan and Kyle said they’d bring some snack (maybe chips?) and Kyle said he’d also bring apple juice.

3. Bring your Plague Dittos!

4. Bring your Current Event work.

5. Good Word Quiz tomorrow.


1. IRB

2. Continue working on your INVESTIGATOR sheet – Due Monday.

3. Find a Current Events Article. Find the “Current Events How To Sheet” in the pages to the left. We will decide on groups tomorrow.
***UPDATE!!! (4:15pm)*** We will extend the Current Event HW to Monday so that everyone gets a chance to find an article they can present to their small group.  So, make sure you look over the websites (see left-hand side) and newspapers for something you think your group might present.  Once your group is together, you will share your article to the other members.  After all 4 of you talk about all the articles, you will decide which one to investigate and eventually (in 2 weeks or so) present to the class.


1. IRB

2. Lit Circles meet tomorrow.  Make sure you have your job(s) done.

3. Investigator Job (re: Lit Circles) due Monday.


1. IRB

2. Read the worksheet about Peasants and Serfs I distributed in class.

3. Work on your Lit Circle assignments

4. You can get a head start on this graded Lit Circle assignment which will be due on Monday.  We will discuss it in class tomorrow.


1. IRB

2. Study for your castle test. Make sure you review the notes we took today during our review session. Know the parts of a castle for PART I of the test.

Part II Essay Questions (as will appear on the test)

(Essay worth 50 points)

Directions: Choose one of the following essay questions (A or B) and answer it in two complete paragraphs. Remember, each paragraph should be 5-7 sentences in length. Check for proper spelling, grammar and general proof reading. Please double space and use Times-Roman, 12 point font.

Explain how a castle was both an offensive and defensive military machine. Write two paragraphs – one about how it was offensive and one about how it was defensive.

Lord Kevin castle was attacked by Prince Daffyd and the Welsh. Discuss the siege that took place. Be careful to note the different ways in which the Welsh tired to take over the castle and what they (specifically) hoped to achieve through each of them.


Student explains his/her answer to the question (20 points)
Student uses examples to support his/her point(s) (10 points)
Student checked proofreading (10 points)
 Student’s writing is clear and organized (10 points)



1. IRB

2. Study for Wednesday’s CASTLE test. There will be two parts of the test.
    Part I will include the parts of a castle. Look over your worksheets and make sure you are familiar with the vocab that relates to the physical parts of a castle.
    Part II of the test will be an essay. You will get the essay question ahead of time and I will post it on the blog. You will NOT be allowed to bring in notes while you type your essay. We will be at the computer lab typing your response.


1. IRB

2. Finish your Grendel stories.  I need to see plenty of substantial changes to your tale.  I wrote a lot of comments, but you MUST try to add details/elements that you think will improve your story.

3. Bring in your cover illustration.  Make sure you have color on this!  Use regular (8.5 x 11 paper).

4. Read Beowulf Chapter 15 by Tuesday

5. Literature Circles meet for the first time on Monday.  Don’t forget to do your job.


1. IRB

2. Revise your Grendel Entries.  They’re due on Monday.

3. Read Beowulf chapter 14

4. Write 3 sentences that start:
I am thankful for…
Remember, these sentences will be edited so that we can read them at our Thanksgiving Day assembly.


1. IRB

2. Read Beowulf Chapter 13