Category: Homework


1. IRB

2. Your ABC of Islam personal letter is due on Monday.  Your group letter is due on Tuesday.  Remember it should be tea/coffee stained, there should be a picture, proper font, quote, bibliography, etc.).

Remember you need to have the following for Monday:  Your notes, rough draft that I edited, my comments, your rubric and, of course, your final draft.

3. You will have a quiz on the Middle East map (see Middle East Map in pages) on Thursday.


1. IRB

2. Your Good Word Quiz will be given on Monday.

3.  Your morning class will cover how to write a bibliography, so make sure you know which books you have quoted from and which ones you will cite.

Your afternoon core class will be devoted to the Medieval Pageant so make sure you look over your lines.


1. IRB

2. Date, title and respond to the following prompt in your writer’s notebook:
Consider an IRB book you have read this year that you connect well with.  Compose two paragraphs about what/why you connect so well with this book and be specific about which element you are connecting to.

The example I used in class for this assignment is: if I were writing about Beowulf I could write about how I connect with the color “Blue”.  Here I would discuss how BLUE symbolizes sacrifice, good and commitment in my first paragraph.  Then, in my second paragraph, discuss how the BLUE in Beowulf reminds me of my mother.  I would write concrete reasons for the connection between BLUE and my mother in this paragraph.  Remember, this should be written as a critical response and not a list.


1. IRB

2. ABCs of Islam rough draft due tomorrow.  Double space and use Times Roman font.

3. Good Word Quiz on Friday.


1. IRB

2. Continue working on converting your ABCs of Islam notes into a paragraph.  Make sure you save your bulleted notes and your new draft of the paragraph.  This will be all collected as a portfolio.

3. New Good Words are due Monday.

4. Good Word Quiz on Monday.  Words are below:

1. Tantalize
2. Bane
3. Fief
4. Stilettos
5. Synthesized
6. Ameliorate
7. Stratosphere
8. Diminutive
9. Candelabra
10. Euphoric

1. Candelabra
2. Euphoric
3. Diminutive
4. Synthesized
5. Denigrate
6. Dictaphone
7. Tangible
8. Irascible
9. Intricate
10. Irreverence


1. IRB

2. Continue working on your ABCs of Islam.

3. Good Word quiz on Monday!

4. Pennies for Patients ends on Friday!


1. IRB

2. Work on your ABCs of Islam Project!  Look under pages for APPROVED websites.  Do not use non-approved sites.


1. IRB2. Good Word Quiz tomorrow!  New Good Words due on Monday.3. Study your Analogies.  Go over the games I posted on my blog (see below).  Make sure you can make a bridge sentence when forming the relationship. 


1. IRB

2. Analogy worksheet questions.

3. Current Events – Mei-An’s Group presents tomorrow at 8:30am!

4. Good Word Quiz Friday!  New words due Monday.

5. Remember Pennies for Patients…


1. IRB.  Set a goal for yourself.  For example, 30 pages or 2 chapters, and try to reach that goal.

2. Pennies for Patients

3. Good Word Quiz Friday.  Words are listed below:

1. Protracted
2. Velocity
3. Ire
4. Martyrs
5. Furlough
6. Flabbergasted
7. Dismay
8. Squalid
9. Debris
10. Acquaintance

1. Wanton
2. Velocity
3. Acerbic
4. Bereft
5.  Tantalize
6. Obtuse
7. Lesions
8. Machinations
9. Distills
10. Dismay