Category: Homework


1. IRB

2. Tomorrow we will be working on your 5 paragraph essays.  Make sure the following things are polished on your paper:
a. Topic sentences
b. Thesis
c. Transition sentences
d. Conclusion
e. Proofreading errors/grammar


1. Japanese Feudalism test tomorrow

2. Katharine, Alex, Phoebe and Logan all owe me your final edits of your poems. Make sure you have them tomorrow because we’re sending them out to print.


1. IRB

2. Finish your Study Review Sheets.  We will go over this on Monday.  Your Japanese Feudalism Test will be on Tuesday.

3. Edit your poems.  They are due on Monday.  A lot of people need to rewrite a bulk of their poems so that they make sense to the reader/listener.  It’s important that you delete or completely revise the sections that do not make sense or help your poem’s theme/meaning.


1. IRB

2. Edit, type and electronically save your revised poem for class tomorrow.


1. IRB

2. Read your Shito packet that I distributed at PM homeroom.


1. IRB

2. Good Word Quiz on Tuesday (see list below)

3. Wear black for field day tomorrow and bring a lunch!

Core A
1. Stimulate
2. Abating
3. Pulverized
4. Exacerbate
5. Cadged
6. Quell
7. Villein
8. Helm
9. Stringent
10. Quagmire

Core B
1. Bafflement
2. Limelight
3. Amputate
4. Subside
5. Spendthrift
6. Infirm
7. Benevolently
8. Malice
9. Ebullience
10. Contemplate


1. IRB

2. Read Zen handout and type your responses to the questions found on the last page.

3. Noel’s Current Event group goes tomorrow morning after homeroom.

4. Core A: make sure you have both your poems in class – the Creative translation of the German poem, and the poem we fed through the translation machines last Friday.


1. IRB

2. Lit Circles meet tomorrow for the last time!  Make sure you have your job completed and the one-page write up.

3. Poetry assignments are due.
A. Have the translations we did on Friday in Lynne’s room in (printed).
B. Bring in the the CREATIVE TRANSLATION of the German poem we completed 2 weeks ago.


1. IRB

2. I will collect your Lit. Circle responses on Wednesday (when you have your last meeting with your group).  Make sure your responses address the questions I posed on this blog on Friday.

3. Good Word Quiz tomorrow.

4. Good Word due tomorrow.


1. IRB

2. Good Word Quiz Monday, Good Word Sheet will be due on Tuesday.

3. Rough draft (#3) of your personal essay will be due on Monday.

4. Literature Circle responses due.  (One-two page, double-spaced, in paragraphs.)

Your final written response will be due on Monday, 2/19. You must respond to the entire book, not just the passage you read previously. Discuss elements of the book you liked, disliked, things that surprised you, things you agreed or disagreed with, character development, conflict, the author’s writing style, etc. These are all things you will discuss in your weekly responses, but this is a response to the whole book. In this response, I would also like you to reflect on the experience you had in literature circles. Some things to discuss are as follows: what went well, didn’t go well, what role did you most enjoy or find rewarding, what was difficult, how did you and your group solve conflicts and deal with challenges, what was it like to set your own schedule and assignments, what did you learn etc? Go into detail and be specific.