Category: Homework


Good Words for the week.
Quiz on Tuesday 11/24.

Group A
Infallible: Can’t fail; flawless.
Inaction: Lack of activity where some is expected or appropriate.
Crypt: An underground chamber under a church used as a burial place
Concocted: To make something by combining various ingredients.
Solemnly: Serious and earnestly
Moral: Concerned with the principles of right and wrong
Vigilant: Keeping careful watch for possible danger
Affable: Gentle or mild
Undeterred: Undiscouraged; to move forth confidently
Perception:  The ability to hear, see or become aware of something using your senses.

Group B

Protrude: To extend beyond or above.
Condemn: To show disapproval
Dissonance: Lack of harmony among musical notes
Task: A piece of work to be done or undertaken
Manifestation:  an event, action, or object that clearly shows something.
Coax: To influence by gentle convincing
Onomatopoeia: the formation of a word from a sound associated with what is named (e.g., boom, thwack, sizzle).
Perception:  The ability to hear, see or become aware of something using your senses.
Bawled:  To cry or wail
Moral: Concerned with the principles of right and wrong

Tomorrow we go to Ashokan!

Ashokan foot-bridgeAshokan foot-bridge

1. IRB

2. Don’t forget to check the DUE DATES page to see when you’re presenting your Booktalks when you get back from Ashokan. Many of you are going on Monday 9/21.

3. Good Words are due on Monday, 9/21

4. Remember that your Student Rep speeches are due Tuesday, 9/22


1. IRB

2. Continue preparing your Booktalks. Try to rehearse at home. Get a parent, friend, sibling to watch you and give you feedback. Also, think about what you want to project/handout.

3. Remember the Good Words are due on Monday, 9/21

4. The following people need to hand in Ashokan forms. (I handed them to you earlier today and Mark has them on the Middle School blog.)
Olivia Konstam
Alessandro Russo
Zachary Feal


1. IRB

2. Continue working on your Booktalk. Make sure you look over the notes you took today in class and the checklist I distributed.

3. Good Words due Monday, Sept. 21 (When you get back from Ashoken).


1. IRB

2. Bring in your typed, double spaced five paragraph essay!  This will be your final draft.

3. Bring in a bagged lunch for Monday!!!


1.    IRB
2.    Study for Japan Test
3.    Edit your partner’s essay!
4.    I need reflections emailed to me from: Julia, Ryan, Sammy, and Andrew.


1. IRB

2. Write your body paragraphs.  Make sure they are typed and double-spaced.

3. Email Frank your Core Reflections ( )

4. Study for your Japan Test.  Test on Friday.


1. IRB

2. Bring in Japan study sheets

3. Bring in your Performing Arts Major and Minor Classes (signed by a parent) tomorrow.

4. Good Word quiz tomorrow (Words below).

1.    Amalgam
2.    Duress
3.    Gnawing
4.    Pithy
5.    Reclined
6.    Taciturn
7.    Tentatively
8.    Usurped
9.    Venerate

1.    Affable
2.    Embroiled
3.    Etiquette
4.    Forte
5.    Incendiary
6.    Inconspicuous
7.    Indignant
8.    Venerate
9.    Veritable


1. IRB

2. Lit Circles meet on Monday for the last time.  Make sure you do 6/1’s job.

3. Memorize your poems


* We have graduation tomorrow.  Try to avoid wearing blue jeans, shorts, flip-flops or tee-shirts.
** Bring in your Essay notes and introduction.

1. IRB

2. Complete the “8th Grade Reflection” that I distributed.

3. Bring in your dance permission slips!

4. Judo competition tomorrow!  Plan on attending before the dance :)

5.  Japan test will be reviewed tomorrow.  Bring in your review packets.  Test will be Wednesday.