1. IRB – you should be finishing your 6th book!
2. Bring in the book you plan on Booktalking this quarter tomorrow.
3. New Good Words Due on Wednesday.
4. Here are the words that will be on Wednesday’s Vocab Test.
Core A
1. Malevolent: Evil or meaning harm
2. Commodity: a useful or valuable thing, such as water or time.
3. Lithograph: an image produced by etching the image onto a flat surface, then copying the etched surface by applying ink (or the equivalent) to it and pressing another material against it; To create a copy of an image
4. Impenetrable: Incapable of being pierced
5. Apprehensively: Anxious or fearful that something bad will happen
6. Skeptic: A person who doubts or questions opinions
7. Scoured: to clear or rid of what is undesirable
8. Agony: Mental or physical pain
9. Abbot: A man who is the head of an abbey of monks
10. Synonym: a word having the same or nearly the same meaning as another in the language, as joyful, elated, glad11. Futile: Incapable of producing any result
12. Nondenominational: Institutions or churches not formally aligned with a specific religion
13. Asymmetrically: Something not identical on both sides of a central line
14. Notorious: Famous or well known, typically for some bad quality or deed
15. Hackles: Thee hair or fur or feathers on an animals neck
16. Shrill: To make a high-pitched piercing sound
17. Ecstasy: An overwhelming experience of great happiness and joy
18. Dastardly: Characterized by underhandedness or treachery
19. Crude: Something lacking grace, tact, taste (excreta)
20. Optimistic: Believing that things will turn out successfully for the best
21. Iridescent: Showing luminous colors that seem to change when seen from different angles
22. Armada: A large group of warships
23. Indeterminate: Not known or established.
24. Confectioner: An expert at making candy
25. Disenchanted: Freed from illusion
26. Incantation: A series of words said as a magic spell or charm
27. Thrust: To push or to drive with force
28. Wafted: To float
29. Intellectual: A person that is very intelligent
30. Mesmerize: To compel by fascination
Core B
1. Proboscis: A snout like an elephant’s trunk
2. Consent: Permission for something to happen or agreement to do something
3. Hybrid: An offspring of two animals of different races or species
4. Heroine: A woman noted for her courage
5. Disheveled: Not neat – sloppy, messy
6. Delirious: Uncontrollable excitement and other feelings
7. Contrast: Compare something to show the difference
8. Jongleur: An traveling musician from the middle ages
9. Facilitate: To make something easier or easy
10. Lather: A frothy white mass of bubbles produced by soap or a similar cleansing substance when mixed with water.
11. Optimistic: Someone who believes that things will turn out successfully for the best
12. Quizzically: A persons expressions of puzzlement
13. Famished: Reduced to extreme hunger
14. Apparition: A ghost or ghostlike image of a person
15. Tyranny: A single ruler with all the power
16. Casket: Casket is another way of saying coffin but a fancy coffin
17. Elated: High spirits, proud
18. Conspicuous: Easy to notice/obvious
19. Rudder: A vertical blade at the stem of a vessel that can be horizontally change vessels direction when in motion
20. Ecstasy: An overwhelming experience of great happiness and joy
21.Abbot: A man who is the head of an abbey of monks
22. Enhance: To make something better or greater
23. Emancipated: Freed from slavery or bondage
24. Annals: A history of records
25. Agony: Mental or physical pain
26. Penchant: Feeling a liking for someone or something
27. Liberated: Showing freedom from social groups. Freed.
28. Sentries: A guard posted to protect a group.
29.Scoured: to clear or rid of what is undesirable
30.Synonym: a word having the same or nearly the same meaning as another in the language, as joyful, elated, glad