1. IRB
2. Continue preparing for your Booktalks and Current Events
3. Good Word Quiz on Wednesday.
4. New Good Words due on Wednesday
5. Read pages 5-8 in the plague packet and write “3 things you learned” in complete sentences.
Core A
1. Obscenities: an extremely offensive word (like a curse or expression
2. Havoc: Causing confusion or disorder
3. Radiance: Great happiness that is apparent in one’s expression
4. Lavish: Rich, elaborate or luxurious
5. Quip: A witty remark
6. Decimated: To destroy a great number or percentage of something
7. Preordained: To decide or settle beforehand
8. Dementia: A mental disorder caused by brain disease or injury and marked by memory disorders, personality changes, and impaired reasoning
Core B
1. Pauper: One who is extremely poor
2. Tendrils: A clasping, twining, slender outgrowth of a vine’s stem
3. Cringed: Flinched or braced in fear of something
4. Erratic; Not even or regular movement, unpredictable
5. Disdain: The feeling that someone or something is not worthy of respect
6. Evasive: Tending to avoid answering
7. Dastardly: Wicked or cruel
8. Disputed: To argue about something
9. Copious: Abundant in supply or quantity
10. Sanctions: To approve something officially