
1. IRB

2. Tomorrow we start our launch of the Crusade unit. Read the handout I distributed at the end of class today in preparation for tomorrow.

3. Good Word Quiz, Monday.  Words are listed below:


  1. Altruism
  2. Rebuke
  3. Serrated
  4. Oppressed
  5. Mused
  6. Simpered
  7. Earnestly
  8. Venerable
  9. Cavernous
  10. Liege


  1. Eradicate
  2. Warlock
  3. Compensate
  4. Apathy
  5. Malevolent
  6. Dictator
  7. Bodice
  8. Imperturbable
  9. Inquisitive
  10. Newsagent

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