
Tomorrow is DISC Field Day…BRING A BAGGED LUNCH!

1. IRB

2. Read Hamlet – Act I Scene II

3. Continue preparing your Current Events

4. Good Word Quiz on Friday. Words are listed below.

Core A
1. Compensation: something given to make up for a loss, time, etc. Example = a Salary
2. Discreet: careful in ones speech or actions as not to reveal anything
3. Maliciously: Intentionally wanting to do something bad or harmful (bad intent)
4. Serene: Peaceful and calm
5. Defiant: Open resistance; bold disobedience
6. Betwixt: In between or in the middle of
7. Espionage: The use of spies to get military or political secrets
8. Ambling: Walking quietly
9. Incarcerated: Being in jail
10. Fictitious: When something is non-existent or imaginary

Core B
1. Fruitless: a waste of time that will result in nothing
2. Adequate: Fully sufficient for the purpose.
3. Meticulous: A person’s extreme care in details
4. Anxiety: To be nervous about something
5. Tariff: A tax or duty to be paid on a particular import or export
6. Blatantly: Something that is completely obvious
7. Quantum: A sum, amount, quantity
8. Mesmerized: Having your attention fixated
9. Lunar: Of or related to the moon
10. Dreary: Boring, gloomy

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