
1. IRB

2. Lit. Circles meet tomorrow (Wednesday).  Make sure you have your job completed with typed and printed work to show.

3. Complete the Samurai handout I passed out in class.  The questions are at the end of the 2nd page.

4. Good Word Quiz Friday.  (see the list below:)

Core A
1.    Gobi
2.    Hypotenuse
3.    Dominion
4.    Culprit
5.    Fickle
6.    Foal
7.    Reign
8.    Malice
9.    Preposterously
10.   Sober

Core B
1.    Foal
2.    Proficient
3.    Sober
4.    Preposterously
5.    Tumult
6.    Fickle
7.    Culprit
8.    Malice
9.    Gouged
10.   Dominion

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