
1. IRB

2. POETRY POTLUCK TOMORROW, 8AM!!! Make sure you memorize and rehearse your poem.


1. IRB

2. Memorize your poems. Get a parent to sign your poem as an indication that you have read your poem at least once to them.


1. IRB

2. Bring in your final draft of your poem. Remember, you only have a page and it will be printed with black ink. Write your name (first and last) at the top of the page. Center (and underline) your title. Add any artwork you have created.

We send all poems to the printer tomorrow at noon.


1. IRB – REMEMBER…get to 25 books by year end!

2. Print out two copies of your final poem. Some of you need to beef up your poems. Take the time to do that tonight.
The first poem you print out will be handed to me to read over.
Write your stage notes (dramatic pauses, louder parts, hand motions, etc.) on the second copy you print out.
MEMORIZE your poems.

3. Email me your written up reflections for the quarter using the worksheet I created for you. fportella@lrei.org


1. IRB

2. Poetry Anthology Cover – Make sure it has color, nice artwork and it says “Frank & Lynne’s Poetry Anthology”.

3. Finish the reflection worksheet

4. Start memorizing your poetry for the poetry potluck breakfast


1. IRB

2. Take your translated poem home and re-work it so that it makes sense. Some of you might need to redo entire sections. Consider this a brand new poem. If you want to make this assignment even more challenging, feed a longer poem into Google Translator and translate it into several languages. DUE TUESDAY.

3. Field day tomorrow. Wear Light Blue! Remember to bring sun-screen, lunch and plenty of fluids.


1. IRB

2. Look over the revisions your partner has made. Take careful note of the peer conferencing worksheet, too. Make substantial changes and add your “So What” sentence.

Next, print out your essay and double space it. You will hand in this rough draft tomorrow (Thursday, 5/26) to Frank.

3. Good Word quiz Friday. (Thursday for the two kids who are leaving early.)


1. IRB

2. Peer Conferencing Worksheet Due tomorrow.  Make sure you bring your partner’s essay home.  Remember, you will need to underline certain sections, and it should have plenty of local comments in the margins from your close reading.

3. Good Word Quiz Friday. Words below:

Core A
1. Conscientious – Wishing to do what is right, esp. to do one’s work or duty well and thoroughly
2. Irate – Angry or enraged
3. Bloated – swollen or puffed
4. Impassive – not showing emotion
5. Drone – An unmanned aircraft or ship guided by a remote control
6. Elasticity – the quality or state of being flexible
7. Tourniquet – A device used for stopping the flow of blood through an artery
8. Baffle – Totally bewildered or perplexed
9. Aversion – A strong feeling of dislike
10. Duped – tricked or deceived

Core B
1. Inertia – A tendency to do nothing or to remain unchanged
2. Welfare – A financial or other assistance
3. Warily – To be always on watch or be cautious
4. Sustain – To keep something going
5. Prolific – Producing much fruit or foliage
6. Duped – Tricked or deceived
7. Coax – To persuade or try to persuade
8. Parley – A discussion
9. Portfolio – A large, thin, flat case for loose sheets of paper such as drawings or maps
10. Scrutinize – to examine or inspect closely


1. IRB

2. Body Paragraph 3 due tomorrow.  You should have your Intro, Body Paragraphs 1, 2, & 3 done tonight.


1. IRB

2. Clean up your topic sentences and thesis. Write them in the packet (using a pencil!).

Next write the introduction paragraph. Remember, start broadly so that it builds to your thesis.