Hello everyone,
This is my first documentation post. This has been a rough week. I never get sick but on Friday I got the sickest I have ever been to. All I did this past weekend was sleep. That sounds like an exaggeration but I was so sick I could barely keep my eyes open for more than an hour.
But I have a lot of big plans coming up and I have done a lot this week.
Big things coming up:
- I was asked to participate in a Facebook Live event speaking about my experience at the border and all the immigration work I have done! I am very excited. This week I had to write my biography for the event and submit a photo. When the official event advertising comes out I will share on this blog!
- I spoke to Jessica about learning Mandarin and set up a meeting with her for Monday
- I worked at Neil Weinrib and Associates this week and created, designed a newsletter on the E-2 and H-1B Visas. Here is the email I created below:
- I started reaching out to organizations for Eye to Eye. None have responded yet 🙁 but I will give them time. Here is the email I wrote:
- Dear XXXX staff,
Hello, my name is Sarah Katz and I am a senior at Elisabeth Irwin (EI) High School in Manhattan. For the third trimester of my senior year, EI does not have classes but instead allows their seniors to pursue a passion project. For my project, I would like to set up an organization that pairs refugee children with students at my high school. I was hoping I could work with XXXX to try set this up. I look forward to hearing from you soon as I want to try to make this a reality before I graduate in the middle of June.
Thank you and have a great day,Sarah
- Dear XXXX staff,