Eye to Eye Proposal Plan

This week I wrote up my Eye to Eye proposal plan. On Wednesday I met with Jane at school and had a super productive meeting. I had spoken to Will on Thursday and had not gone much work done on my proposal from then until Wednesday when I met with Jane. It was amazing how much meeting with someone and speaking out my ideas really made such a difference. I think I am learning a lot about myself throughout this senior project. I have many big ideas but it is really hard for me to implement them on my own. It is almost as if I need someone else there to motivate me to work harder. For example, with classes, I work really hard because there is an end goal: producing good work to get a good grade. But with senior project the end goal is less finite. In the real world, there is no grade on the work you do. You have to create your own oppurtunities.  I think a valuable lesson I have learnt is that I need to learn how to motivate myself. And I will use the next two weeks of senior project to do that. I will give myself mini rewards so that I can teach myself how to belive in myself.


Below is the proposal plan I sent to Will and Tammy! Hopefully they respond soon. Oh and I am meeting with Allison on Monday so everything is looking up.

Eye to Eye Project Details


Why: My name is Sarah Katz and I am a senior at Elisabeth Irwin (EI) High School in Manhattan. For the third trimester of my senior year, EI does not have classes but instead allows their seniors to pursue a passion project. In April of 2018, I traveled to El Paso Texas to learn about immigration. It was an incredibly moving trip, a pivotal moment for me was when I witnessed a pair of boys jump the border wall, and I came back motivated to make a difference. I also have spent the past 2 years working at Neil Weinrib and Associates, an immigration law firm. Now, for my project, Eye to Eye, I would like to try foster connection between students at my high school and children at New Sanctuary Coalition through one or more of projects which I have proposed below.


Objectives: By working at Neil Weinrib and Associates as well as by being a student at LREI, I have noticed three problems that I think could be improved through Eye to Eye.

  1. Some immigrant families have trouble assimilating to American culture
  2. Students at LREI experience an echo chamber (they are surrounded by people who have the same opinion and views at them)
  3. There is a separation between immigrant communities and established American communities


Eye to Eye would try to combat all three of the problems through mutually beneficial youth partnership and creating connection that transcends any language barrier.


Project Options

After much deliberation and brainstorming, I have come up with three project ideas that I think would help accomplish the objectives of Eye to Eye. For each project, I have identified why I am proposing it, what the project is, the activities that would be involved, and a plan of continuance to make sure the project does not dissipate after I graduate.  


Option A: LREI Partnership with Tuesday Night Clinic

Why: On Tuesday, April 30th I volunteered at New Sanctuary Coalition’s Tuesday night clinic. It was such an incredible experience for me because I got to meet a lot of amazing children. I think this is an opportunity more children should be able to have which is why I would love to set up a partnership between LREI and the Tuesday Night Clinic. LREI is located at 40 Charlton Street making it easily accessible for the LREI students to get to the Clinic.

What: My objective for this plan would be to get a group of LREI students to commit to weekly going to the Tuesday Night Clinic. They would then, in partnership with New Sanctuary Coalition, plan activities for the children to do.

Activities: I was thinking about having activities that stemmed around music, art, games, and sports.

  • Music: I think music is a great way to build connection that surpasses any language barrier. When I was at the Tuesday clinic I already saw some of the children dancing to music. Therefore I think activities related to dance or sharing one’s favorite songs could be very successful
  • Art: I already saw the children had art supplies out but I was thinking that we could plan some structured art projects. LREI has so many art supplies resources so we could bring all the materials and have a structured art project for the children to do.
  • Games: There are many different games that could be played with the children. Some off the top of my head are Uno or Card Games. There are also fun games that could be played with the younger children like Hide and Seek or games that involve saying one’s name and striking a pose.
  • Sports: This is probably the trickiest option but I am speaking with my school administration currently to see if this is a possibility. LREI has a gym located at 145 Thompson street which is approximately a 5-minute walk from the Tuesday Clinic. I am seeing if LREI could open it about once a month so that the kids could go to the gym and play. Obviously, there are complications here with permission slips and such but I think it could be a really fun way to engage both the younger and older kids. The gym has a basketball court and the kids would have space to run around and let out their energy. They also could bond without having to use the same language.

There could be different activities for different age groups. Furthermore, the activities could rotate. For example, the same activities would happen on the first Tuesday of every month, the same activities would happen on the second Tuesday of every month, the Third Tuesday and the Fourth Tuesday. Because the children who attend the Tuesday night clinic vary we could repeat the same activities every so often. Furthermore, this would make it easier for the partnership to continue after I graduate as the activities would already be planned by the time I graduate and those who take over after I graduate would only need to follow them, not do any extra planning or work.

Continuance: The last 50 minutes of the school day at LREI is called X-Block. This is an activities/club period. Every Monday during this time period the LREI volunteers would meet to plan activities and debrief. Since X-Block is something the LREI students would sign up for it would be a guarantee that the students are there every week and it would make sure that the same students in the LREI X-Block would come to the Tuesday Night Clinic. There would also be faculty and student leaders of the X-Block who would be the point people of this project once I graduate.


Option B: Field Day at Pier 40

Why: This summer I traveled to India on a full merit scholarship and for 2 weeks of my program I was housed in a Himalayan Mountain Village where the native language was Kumoni which no one on my program knew. We wanted to bond with the children there but it was so difficult due to the language barrier. But one day we brought a soccer ball and played a huge game of soccer. It was so much fun and showed me how sports are a powerful way of building connection without needing to speak the same language.

What: LREI often has their sports practices at Pier 40 and we also have our annual Feild Day there as well. I was thinking we could rent out the space or part of the field and have a Field Day where both the children at New Sanctuary Coalition and LREI students would be invited. Since LREI also has an elementary/middle school we could have kids of all ages come to the Feild Day. Therefore, the children from New Sanctuary Coalition could bond with children their own age.

Activities: There would be various Feild Day activities taking place all over the field. From Capture the Flag to Zumba to Kickball to soccer to Ultimate Frisbee. Since LREI already has an annual Feild Day that all grades from 3-year-olds to Seniors in High school participate we could keep the framework of the LREI field day and make some modifications. There also could be a music and dancing station as well as an art station for the children in New Sanctuary Coalition and LREI who would rather do these instead of doing sports.

Continuance: Since this is a one-day event the need for a concrete continuance plan is not as imperative. There would be a planning committee that would involve teachers and students. If we would like this to be an annual or semi-annual event we could ensure the committee meets every year. If it is a one-time thing then there would be no need for this extra step. I think the continuance plan would be greatly affected by how successful the day is.


Option C: Thursday Community Meetings Partnership

Why: I was recently made aware that every Thursday New Sanctuary Coalition has Community Meetings located at Parish House Church of the Ascension conveniently walking distance from LREI. I really want Eye to Eye to create a mutually beneficial relationship, not a relationship where the LREI students think they have to come and help the children at New Sanctuary. I believe there is so much the LREI students can learn from the children at New Sanctuary Coalition (and vice versa) and that the Thursday Community Meeting seems like an easier place to accomplish this. I have heard that there may be more older children from New Sanctuary Coalition who attend this.

What: I would want to get a group of LREI students to commit to going to the Thursday Community Meetings weekly. They would then, in partnership with New Sanctuary Coalition, work on building connection with the New Sanctuary Coalition children through discussion and different activities.

Activities: I would have to actually attend one of the Thursday Community Meetings to see the layout before coming up with more details. I would love for this option to be more organic and less planned. There could be discussion points but not necessarily activities the LREI students lead. Therefore the LREI students and the New Sanctuary Coalition children would be more on the same level.

Continuance: Same as the Tuesday night clinic option there would be an X-Block that would meet weekly to plan discussions and/or debrief.


Toy and Art Supplies Drive

When I was at the Tuesday Night Clinic I saw that a lot of the children at the clinic were playing with art supplies and toys. I was thinking that regardless of which of the options you all like best, I could run a drive at LREI to get toys and art supplies along with other items you may need. What items are in the drive would, of course, be up to you both and based on what New Sanctuary Coalition needs.


Additional Thoughts

These are three ideas that I have. Yet I truly want to do not what I think is best, but what is actually best for the children in New Sanctuary Coalition. Both of you have much more experience than I do and I 100% want to hear any critiques or thoughts you have. You both do incredible work and I am so excited for the opportunity to partner with New Sanctuary Coalition. But, I only want to do these projects if both of you think that they are beneficial and will make a positive difference. Thank you so much for taking the time to read my project details and I look forward to hearing from you soon.

Contact Information

Email: 19sarahk@lrei.org

Phone Number: 201-273-0925

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