Mandarin Update

Learning a new language is hard. Like really hard. Learning Mandarin has been fun, frustrating, exciting, new and stimulating. I am using two softwares...

Bangin Bake Sale

On Thursday Natalie and I had a bake sale to raise money for New Sanctuary Coalition. Natalie and I made such a great team...

Supreme Court Musings

  Every Wednesday I go to the NY Supreme Court to intern for Justice Barbara Jaffe. For the first hour of my internship, I...

Tuesday Night Clinic Reflections

On Tuesday I got 5 Junior Volunteers to come to the Tuesday Night Clinic. They all went on the Junior Class Trip to Brownsville...

Every Day Struggles

  When I went to volunteer at New Sanctuary Coalition on Tuesday it was a really moving experience. The first of which I have...

Eye to Eye Proposal Plan

This week I wrote up my Eye to Eye proposal plan. On Wednesday I met with Jane at school and had a super productive...

In love with MUJI

On Monday after cohort and my meeting with Jessica the Mandarin teacher, Natalie and I went to MUJI in SOHO. We walked there after...

Connections Are Powerful

I finally had a meeting with Will from New Sanctuary Coalition!! It feels so good to finally be able to meet with someone and...

Positive Feedback goes a long way

This week at NawLaw I got to do a combination of fun things. First, I updated theĀ 130 & AOS (Petitioner’s questionnaire) and green card...

My Mandarin Journey: Week One

So if you could not tell from the name of this blog post I have officially chosen where I will be spending my gap...