Historical Immigration Stories: Harriet’s Visit


On Friday morning Harriet Lieber came into our fourth grade class. IMG_0135The fourth graders are studying immigration in their classroom so Harriet came in to share with us her family’s immigration story. She started with her great grandparents. Her great granddad was a wood carver. When he first got off the boat from Ellis Island, he saw a carriage with wood working materials in it, so he followed the carriage. The people who owned the carriage and the woodworking business hired him. Eventually he started his own furniture making shop. Harriet brought in some tools to show us what they used to make furniture by hand.IMG_0136IMG_0138

Her grandfather also liked to doodle on paper. IMG_0137

Her great grandmother brought over to America some brass candlesticks that her dad had made for her. Harriet’s family came from Europe and they traveled from Europe to Canada and America with only the things that they thought were special. Harriet showed us those special objects. Thanks Harriet!

Elijah Floyd