News About News by Piper


WSJ photo

One LREI 4th grade class, DJ4, is studying newspapers. To learn more about them they went to the Wall Street Journal building. They learned so many things and some 4th graders told the reporters about the things they learned. They learned the backstory of the Wall Street Journal. Here are some of the things they learned.

The Wall Street Journal used to only be a newspaper that only wrote about business and finance things. Even though other people run the WSJ now, the founders were named Charles Dow and the other founder was named Edward Jones. Now the person who runs the WSJ is named William Lewis and he was only the head for about one week.

The Wall Street Journal has 1.4 million online subscribers. 2.3 million are print subscribers, there are too many subscribers that the 4th graders lost track. In the world there are there are 2000 reporters, but the reporters in New York there are 200. Olivia Bagan said, “This looks a lot like my mom’s office.” And a lot of the kids agree and thought it looked a lot like their parents offices too. The Wall Street Journal was founded in 1882. Now they collaborate with Barrons newspaper.

After the trip the 4th graders hoped this article would teach you some more about the Wall Street Journal. If you read other newspapers are you going to switch over? You should really go visit the WSJ. It is very fun.


Math in the Fourth Grade By John Griffin Cook, Elijah F. Harris and Jack Lille Yerington

In math the fourth grade is learning about geometry. One of the things that helps us is the geoboards. When we use geoboards we have to find out the area of shapes. We find the area of shapes by using square units. We are not only using geoboards, we’re using symmetry. Kids have to find out the area of a shape by taking different triangles and putting them together to see if they add up to a full square. We’re decomposing shapes in order to find out how many squares are in their area. We are also learning about angles like the acute angle, the right angle, and the obtuse angle. A trick to find out how to make an acute, obtuse, or right angle is to point at yourself and say “I’m cute” for an acute angle , to point at your friend and say “You’re obtuse”, and to point at the ceiling for a right angle.

Zach and Rufus Cappadocia Play Cello, By Jack

Two Friday,’s ago Zach and Rufus Cappadocia played cello in Deborah and Jake’s classroom. They sounded really good. “How did you feel when you played in front of the class?” I asked Zach. “ I felt fine, I didn’t really feel any pressure.” answered Zach. “I thought it was really cool that Zach can pluck the strings without missing them.” said Freddie Fine.

Zach and Rufus played a melody that they made up. Rufus said that he learned most of his music from Europe. Rufus said “ music is like a map of the world.” I didn’t really get what that meant but it’s still an interesting quote. I think it meant that music takes you to a lot of different places. So next time something like this happens if you’re really quiet maybe you can hear Zach and Rufus playing cello.


Some Of The Things We Are Doing in Tech by John Griffin Cook and Zachary Clay Daniel Cappadocia

In news papers in 4th grade they made news articles about the new sand in the 4s and the second grade food drive. A couple weeks later in tech, Celest, the tech teacher, introduced Photoshop and she made the kids a news  template. They copied their news into the template and made it look exactly like a newspaper.

Next week we are going to start making the yearbook. The reason we are starting the yearbook is because it takes forever to make the whole yearbook. I hope you enjoy the yearbook.


“There’s more than meets the eye to people on the street. Maybe that stranger has an interesting story too!”


On Tuesday, our class had very interesting visitor. Javier, a Spanish born actor and dancer, shared his unique immigration story with the students. Below are some examples of their excellent newspaper article about Javier.


Javier Galito Cava
By Colette Leong


     Javier grew up in Barcelona in Spain. Most immigrants assumed that they had to come to America but Javier was an  immigrant that sort of had a reason to come to New York because it was not really a choice. Javier made a deal when he was still a teenager and he was a ballet dancer, so Javier went with the people who asked him to dance with them in America. Javier said okay because his brother was already dancing with the group, Javier got asked to join .Javier said “It’s not bad to have an accent.”

     Javier was only a teenager when he went to America.When he was in America he got taken down by some big bully’s because he is gay. The bullies thought he was dead but he was close to dying. When he went to the hospital they said he was not dead but they could fix that and turn him back to life. Javier was only dead for 3 to 4 minutes! When he woke up he was like a baby, a big baby. He still needed diapers and the people at the hospital helped him act like an adult. He also had to be trained how to walk and talk. He could not talk when he woke up from his death. Javier has a big family, Josep Lluis 55 year old brother, Elena and Rosa (twins) 53, Antonio 53, Carlos 49, Amador 47 and, Javier 44. Javier’s parents are named Teodoro 84 and Carmen 81. Javier was born on september 16th 1970 and was re-born on February 24th 1995 when he was only 24 and died at 1:30 am!

Javier luckily is alive now and has a great life. he got married to his husband after he died and right now he is still married to his husband. He lives in New York with his husband and is very happy right now.


There Is a Lot to Know About This Immigrant
By Meadow Magee

     Javier Galito-cava is an immigrant from Barcelona, Spain who was the victim of a life-threatening hate crime in America when he was 24 years old. The youngest of seven, Javier moved to America because he wanted to do ballet in San Francisco.

In February of 1995, Javier was brutally attacked by three young thugs because he was gay. The attack was so violent and so severe that Javier suffered a traumatic brain injury and was in a coma for a month and actually died twice. That is, his heart stopped twice and he had to be revived. When he woke up from his coma, his memory was gone. The loss was so severe that he had to wear a diaper and he had to learn to talk again. And he couldn’t even remember who his family was. Fortunately, he was cared for by his brother Antonio and Antonio’s wife.

Javier was born on September 16th, 1970. Josep (55), twins Elena and Rosa (53), Antonio (51), Carlos (49), Dmador (47) are his older siblings. His parents are Teodoro (84) and Carmen (81).

Javier is now 44 years old, living in New York City, and working as an actor. He knows French and likes to eat snails! Despite the fact that he has been living in America now for 20 years, Javier still has a hint of his Spanish accent when he speaks, which has sometimes caused him trouble when people assume that he doesn’t know a lot about America and would treat him differently than he wanted to be treated. “People make assumptions, and I know that sometimes I do, but it’s not right to make assumptions.”

Javier is now happily married to a man named Daniel. There’s more than meets the eye to people on the street. Maybe that stranger has an interesting story too!

Tenement inspector note to chief

This week on Wednesday, me and my class went to The Tenement Museum. We were tenement inspectors and we were making sure the tenant and the landlady were not breaking any tenement laws. We got two points of view, one from the landlady named Dora and another from the tenant named Becky. They were breaking a lot of tenement laws, so we had to report them to the chief inspector. How would we do that? There were no cell phones, so we had to write letters. The letters were saying stuff that we recommend like to hire a housekeeper who cleans the house or maybe make more tenants pay their rent. This is some of what I wrote:


“Becky was breaking laws like making piles of rags on the floor and keeping urine and feces in her apartment. It also looks like Dora is fixing minor issues more than she is fixing really important issues like Dora put fancy surfaces on the stairs but did not fix Becky’s running water.” (Margaret)


My class and I all made editorials about “Is homework good or bad”?  This is mine

Why homework is bad for kids!

by Cooper Kroll


Homework is bad for kids. It is proven that homework interferes with walking/running and obese kids die faster than less fat people 

Another reason that homework is bad for you is because homework doesn’t  improve their grades. It is proven that, “while doing homework, kids don’t improve their grades,” said Robert Tai, a professor of the Curry School of Education.

Another reason that homework is bad for kids is because they spend too much time on homework, and it is proven that, “too much of anything can be harmful,” said Gerald LeTendre,Head of Penn State Educational Policy Department. 

Those are some of the reasons why homework is bad for you. now tune in for the sport section.

 Well how did you like it and you can tell me. SO TELL ME ALL READY!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! see you soon bye-bye.

Tea Party

This week on Wednesday we got an invitation to go to a very special tea party that will be on Monday. We will have to dress like we’re in the time period of 1800s other wise we won’t be able to go to the tea party. At the tea party we will have food and treats and of corse tea,( other wise it wouldn’t be a tea party.) We will have the tea party with Dan and Megan’s fourth grade so it will be twice as much people at the tea party. We are very excited to go to the tea party. BY POLLY!


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