Migration Through The Lower School: Paintings Inspired by Jacob Lawrence

From Stella:

This year we have been studying immigration. We went to a Jacob Lawrence exhibit at the MOMA as a field trip. We saw all 60 paintings of the Great Migration. When we were there we had to observe his painting style. We saw the way he only had one palate for all the paintings so all the paintings look sort of alike but also vastly different because, of the way he used his shapes and the feeling he put into each and every painting. Some of the colors he used were: dark brown, purple, banana yellow, and gray blue. At the time we didn’t know what we were going to do. We had a homework assignment to make a vivid scene of our childhood in Jacob Lawrence’s style. After we saw the exhibit we tried to make our own paintings inspired by Jacob.

We have interviewed people about the exhibit and this is what they said:

Ann, the art teacher: I am very moved by the story of the Great Migration and also really like all of his bold lines and his colors.

Estelle: I liked looking at all of his paintings in real life because I could see all of his brush strokes and I could sort of see the steps it took to make his paintings in the Migration Series.

Tess: I thought it was interesting because he uses a lot of different colors.

Rest time with Dotty
In my painting I have three people Mia, Stella and me in the fours. We are playing with Dotty at rest time. Dotty was a bunny from fours she was white with black dots. I remember our rest time spots were near Dotty so we would always poke her and play with her.

This painting is memorable because they were one of my first friends and I became closer to them being close to them and playing with them. This moment fits into my story of my lower school journey because it is a step closer to arriving at middle school, and a step closer to making more friends, and a step closer to getting older.

More from Clarissa:
We have been learning a little bit about the Great Migration. The Great Migration was when the African Americans moved from the south for a better life more or less. Jacob Lawrence painted a series of paintings about the Great Migration. There are a total of sixty paintings, thirty are at Moma, the other half is at the Phillips Collection. A while ago MOMA had all sixty paintings in their museum so our class went to see them. Our teachers got inspired by them and decided that we are going to make our own series of paintings of our lower school migration because we are moving up to middle school.

They told us to write down 5-6 memories of the lower school and make a star next to our favorite one. After choosing our favorite memory we drew a sketch of it in the style of Jacob Lawrence. After that we went downstairs to start the painting of our memory. My memory was in the fours. At rest time Stella, Mia and I were by the bunny Dottie and we would play with her and poke her. At our moving up ceremony we are going to hang up our paintings behind us. All of the memories are really special and memorable-Clarissa

Some thoughts on the process by Andrei and Diego:

At the Art Museum called MOMA, We saw the artwork of Jacob Lawrence. We made paintings of our favorite memories in lower school. In the painting we tried to capture the specific art style of Jacob Lawrence. Like Jacob Lawrence, we only used a few colors and didn’t put in a lot of facial details. It was quite challenging to only have a maximum of eight colors: brown, dark green, light green, orange, yellow, purple, blue, and black. A fellow classmate compliments that: “I really like how everybody captured how Jacob Lawrence paints and the style of his paintings.” Another classmate dislikes the point that it was a painting, they would have preferred it to be a drawing. But we didn’t look drawings by Jacob Lawrence, we looked at his paintings.

Our Lower School Migration Series:

The Yellow Crayon
by Julia:
This painting is a memory of me in the fours. I was listening to Beth tell me the Yellow Crayon story. It isn’t the best story to me now but I’m not sure why but I used to think it was the coolest story ever. The story is about Beth when she was a little girl. She was in her car with her parents and she was drawing a picture. She was coloring in the sun yellow with a yellow crayon. And she and her parents got out of the car to have a picnic and Beth put the crayon in the back of the car. By the time she got back the yellow crayon was melted and she had to finish coloring in the sun orange. When I told Beth I remembered the story she was surprised I still remembered it!

Rest Time
by Mia:
My painting is about rest time in the fours. I remember how we used to hate rest time. Our teachers used to tell us when you get older you are going to want rest time. We used to say “We will not want rest time when we get older.” Now I do want rest time. I get really tired. I think we did not like rest time because we did not do a lot of physical activity and we did a lot of playing and we probably would rather be having free time. Because we did that a lot.

In this picture we are all trying to nap but most of us are awake. There is a person who is in the bathroom so his rest spot is empty. Dotty the bunny is in his cage. This moment is important because it stuck with me. I think it stuck with me because I loved the fours and it was something that happened. But this moment was nothing special. This happened at the beginning of my LREI experience.

Eiffel Tower That I Made In Kindergarten
By Max:

In kindergarten, I made the Eiffel Tower out of blocks. I made it by myself and I don’t remember any other times from kindergarten.

This moment was important because it was when I was first proud of building something. It is part of my lower school experience because all throughout lower school I have wanted to be an architect and this memory is associated with architecture and architecture is very interesting to study and do.

First Grade Restaurant
by Maeve
Yummy In Your Tummy Cafe

This memory is from our first grade restaurant. I was in Rebecca and Nicole’s first grade. One reason I really loved the restaurant, is I came up with a name for our restaurant. It was The Yummy In Your Tummy cafe. Our class voted with our heads down, when we lifted our heads two options won. The Red Bull ( by Diego) and The Yummy In Your Tummy cafe. Now the whole class had to choose. When I picked my head up there was The Yummy In Your Tummy Cafe! I was so glad! Another reason this moment was special is that I really loved making the food and being a waiter when my parents were there. I was really fun to learn about and go to restaurants. It was cool making food at a restaurant. We learned a lot about yeast. We made really yummy food, which was helpful because then we could get big tips. It was fun to learn the different jobs in the restaurant and how they help.

Fun on the Farm Trip
By Ava
This year on the farm trip, me, Andrei, Simón, and Melissa (one of the farmers), were in the barn when a cow pooped. The poop got on Andrei’s boot, Melissa leg, and Simon’s FACE! After the cow pooped it was silent for a second because we all were so surprised. And then we all started to laugh. I got lucky… no poop got on me!

I had the best time in Lower School and the farm trip was my favorite part because I loved taking care of the animals and having a big sleepover with all my friends. I had alot of fun with all my friends on the farm trip. My favorite part of the farm trip was that nobody got upset and everyone was happy like in the moment that I painted.

3rd grade memory: Swing
by Sophia
This is a picture of me and my really close friend Julia. We are making a song called “I’m A Little Birdie.” We based it on “The Farm Song” which has the same tune. The song Julia and I made goes like this, “Oh, I’m a little birdie trying to fly. But at the same time I think I’m dying. I am in a lava pit, no wait I think I’m dead.” I was the one who made the song, but Julia helped me after. I got the inspiration because Julia and I were playing on the swing and jumping into a pile of leaves that looked something like lava, and in “The Farm Song” there is a part about small birds, so it sort of fits.

This moment is important to me because Julia and I really like the song and a lot of other people like the song, and it helps me remember that special part of the third grade farm trip. This fits in with the rest of the moments from the lower school because everyone has a special moment from some grade they were in, and this is mine.

Farm Trip
By Estelle
One of my favorite lower school memories was at the third grade farm trip when everybody was reading their letters from their parents. When the girls where done Elaine was doing everybody’s hair, even Ella’s hair! In the painting Elaine is braiding my hair while people are opening their letters from their parents.

This memory stuck with me because in the starting of the year I thought Elaine was really scary and mean… but then I really bonded with her and I figured out that she is one of the nicest teachers, and that she wanted us to know that she can be nice and have fun with us when she wants to, but when it’s time to be serious we have to be serious. After that I felt comfortable with Elaine and thought that I could talk to her easily.

by Alon
This memory is from third grade. In the image, the whole class is having a debate. We did this because we needed to decide who was right in a certain time for a certain reason. A lot of people liked having debates because everyone could argue for their side and have fun that way. We would have fun by being able to argue against classmates, and the teacher didn’t say stop. A strong argument is an argument that makes the judge want your side to win.

This moment is important because it was a big part of third grade and the whole class participated. This moment fits into my Lower School experience by being one of the biggest and funnest parts of third grade. I like to debate because it is what adults do and it is a good feeling to feel like an adult. You craft an argument by first talking to your group and then you decide what each person will talk about when we debate.

Hay Jump
The title of my painting is Hay Jump. This memory is from third grade. In my painting, I am in mid air right after jumping into the hay. The barn was a little bit dark and damp, but there was a door open so there was some sunlight. I was really scared to try the hay jump because we were so high up. You did not have to do the hay jump, but it was really fun if you tried it.

This moment is important because I had a lot fun at the third grade farm trip and It was one of my favorite trips at LREI. At the farm trip, we did so many cool things. It was the first time I was away without my parents, and although I was scared at first, once I got there, I found that I wasn’t really scared at all. This trip gave us a lot of time to explore the farm and use our imaginations. The reason why this moment stands out to me is because it helped me become more confident and brave.

The Farm Trip
By Zoe
One of my favorite memories from lower school was the farm trip especially that I got to have my birthday there. It was really really fun. My image is of them giving me my birthday cake. I remember it so well. It was chocolate cake with chocolate ganache.
While we were eating cake Estelle took out Mr. Cookie, a cookie she named three days before.

This moment was important because it was the first time I had been away from home on my birthday. This moment fit into the story of our lower school experience because it was the first time we went on a school trip over night. I really liked the farm and I hope to go again some time.

Third Grade
By Antonio
In the picture I’m trying to catch Shelby. Shelby was a crab. I am near the East River by the rocks. We used pretzels as bait. The water is purple because we didn’t have blue. We didn’t catch Shelby there. Ella caught her by herself. Shellby was blue with a hint of red. I used to sit next to the tank and put my nose and she would claw at me.

This moment is important because Shelby escaped, R.I.P Shelby. She probably died. She escaped during spring break when Phil was watching her. That’s my third grade memory.

Geography in fourth grade:
Lower School Memories
By Thomas
This is like one of the maps we made at the beginning of the fourth grade. This is a map of North America. It reminds me of the geography of the whole wide world.. This is important because it reminds me of building puzzles with my dad when I was little. I put the pieces together. It also reminds me of learning to read because in a lot of the books I read the main characters travel a lot.

This painting fits into my Lower School Experience/Journey because, well, it kind of hinted at learning about immigration in fourth grade and helped us know where each country was and it really helped throughout the whole school year. It really helps me to learn because geography can come in handy when you go traveling and meet other people from different countries.

Walking Sheep
by Diego
This is my favorite memory from fourth grade. It is my memory of walking the sheep from the pasture to their pen at the farm. I walked Lila, Clarissa walked Stella, and Pema walked Luna. My painting shows the time when we figured out that if you lie on top of the sheep they run like crazy. I was the one to figure it out, so when I tried the first time I got pulled forward and fell down, then I was dragged by Lila. Then Clarissa tried it. She was more careful, so she didn’t fall down but she did still have to run with Stella. (P.S. Sheep wool is not soft. It more rough and oily.)

This time was important to me because it was a fun time for all of us to get the experience of what life is like on a farm. It is an important part of fourth grade to me because it helped us bond with each other.

A Cow Surprise
By Andrei

My painting takes place at Hawthorne Valley Farm in 4th grade, when Ava, Simon, and I were doing morning chores. The reason it is called Poop face is because Simon actually got some poop on his face (cow poop, the worst kind). We were helping out on the barn, feeding the cows and milking them when one of the cows poop. Normally, when a cow poos, it just goes straight down, but not this time. “That was projectile poo.” Said the farmer who was helping us.

The poo got all over one of my boots, and Simon got a little poo right next to his mouth. He looked, then squealed, me and Ava were speechless, then Simon laughed and that signaled that Ava and I could laugh too.

Walking the Sheep
By Pema

The Farm
By Ally

Night Walk
Fourth grade
By Tess
In fourth grade, we went on a farm trip. We went to Hawthorne Valley Farm. One night after dinner, we went on a night walk. There was a path in the woods that we walked through. It was kind of creepy because it was dark and there were little holes in the ground. Everyone brought flashlights. It was freezing outside, but we all had coats, so we were toasty. There were many different color leaves, but we could not see them because it was pitch black. We could only feel them crunching under our feet. If we pointed our flashlights, we could see huge trees with golden leaves. Then someone said, “Look up!”, and we all saw something red. There was a blood moon. It cast a red glow over the sky. We did not need our flashlights to see it. It was beautiful. We were all looking up for about seven minutes. Then we had to go back. When we got back to the picnic tables by the barn, there was hot apple cider waiting for us. We drank apple cider and sang songs. It was fun.

This moment is important because we were all together, doing the same thing, listening to the teachers, and having fun.

Lunar Eclipse
by Stella
This memory was from the Fourth Grade. I was doing morning chores on the farm and, the lunar eclipse was supposed to happen at 6:00 in the morning. I didn’t get outside until 6:15 that I got outside with my group. We saw the end of the lunar eclipse which means we stared at a reddish, pinkish, silvery moon.

This moment is important to me because it was the first time I had ever seen a lunar eclipse or something so amazing happen to the moon. Also it was at the farm so I could share the moment with my friends. This fits into the lower school experience and growing up because the farm is a chance to have better friendships with friends and teachers. It involves growing up because, when you go to the farm you stay there for 4 days and 3 nights and it helps you get used to being away from home and your parents for a long period of time and helps you to feel and be more independent.

Little Buddies by Thomas, Alon, Estelle and Tess

Buddies Carousel


On June 11th we made a picture with our buddies of the ducks in a random place. The kindergartners had baby ducks in their classroom. Some people made their scene inside, and some people made the setting outside (I even heard there was a duck in a bathtub). Most people did it outside because that’s where most ducks live. The Fourth graders made the background and the Kindergarteners did the ducks. Then we watercolored everything and the Kindergarteners cut out and glued their ducks on to the background. Then we all wrote our names on the backgrounds we made. The Fourth graders were allowed to put their names anywhere on the page and the Kindergarteners put their names next to their ducks.


buddy painting 3


It was Wednesday June 10th when we went with our buddies to Jane’s Carousel. We were responsible for our Kindergarten buddies and we got to ride the Carousel with our buddies. It was a really exciting trip and I think we should thank the teachers for bringing us there. First, we had snack then we rode on the Carousel. Some little buddies didn’t want to ride the Carousel but they got over their fear and were brave to go on the Carousel. Some people rode on horses and others rode on chariots. This was fun for us because we got to ride on a carousel “in school.” At the end of the trip we played in the park near the East River where we were. It was the only field trip I went on with a younger buddy so far in my life.


Estelle and Tess REPORT:

Little Buddies

Every year each person gets one or two little reading buddies. We had a bunch of fun reading and learning with the kindergarteners, but that was not all we did with them. We made watercolors of their ducklings. We painted a big background and the kindergarteners made one or two paintings of their ducklings. Our little reading buddies are so cute and have AMAZING manners. It was so cute when they were telling us about their ducks. The kindergarteners have been studying the ducklings and it was so fun to paint with them because they knew so much about the details on the ducklings. For example, they would show the webs on the feet and the nostrils on the ducklings noses. We hope to see them a lot next year.

buddy painting 2

Now we will interview some little buddies:

What is your name?

Who is your fourth grade buddy?

What book do you like to read with them?
“Piggy and Gerald books”

What do you like most about your buddy?
“I like how she draws. She is good at drawing.”

Here is another interview with a little buddy:

What is your name?

Who is your fourth grade buddy?

What book do you like to read with them?
“Piggie and Gerald”

What do you like most about your buddy?
“She is good at drawing”

We all enjoy being with our buddies. After we went on a field trip with them, we ALL had rest time, because we played with them so much.

Namita, Our Fantastic Principal: by Maeve, Julia and Ava

As most of you know, Namita our fantastic principal Namita, is leaving our school. A memory I have with Namita is when Sueyoung our piano player for chorus died and Namita helped comfort us. Namita is really kind and helps comfort us a lot. Not many people show that they appreciate it and I think that if you’re reading this stop and go write a small, simple letter. Even if it is the smallest card it could turn her whole day around, she is there for us the whole day, and I am just asking for one minute. Now I am going to ask some kids about their special memory with Namita.

Maeve: Estelle what is your special memory with Namita?

Estelle: It wasn’t really a special memory with her, but I really like how she is always a leader at assemblies, and how she can prepare and make a really good speech and always be there for everyone. And how she likes to help people even when she doesn’t need to.

Maeve: Tess, why do you enjoy being right near Namita’s office?

Tess: So that if something isn’t going right we know we can go to someone.

Maeve: Anything else?

Tess: I am really sad she is leaving and I hope she visits a lot.

Maeve: Julia, why will you miss Namita?

Julia: She was always really nice to me and I really loved writing the family assemblies script with her and she never judged me, well she never judged anyone. She was always really nice and warm. And she isn’t like one of those scary principals in books where they are always mean – because Namita is the best principal ever.
Maeve: Deborah what do you enjoy about spending time with Namita?

Deborah: I most appreciate her sense of humor. Namita has a really great laugh. If there is ever a problem, Namita can help solve it – and she does so with an upbeat attitude.

Maeve: Thank you Estelle, Tess, Julia, and Deborah!

Namita is Leaving by Ava and Julia

As many people heard, Namita is leaving. Ava and Julia interviewed people on how they feel about Namita leaving and how they think Chap will be as the principal.

Eve- I’m so sad but I think Chap will be a really good principal.

Ava- I am soooo sad that Namita is leaving and I think Chap will be a great principal.

Noelle- I’m sad Namita is leaving she was a really good principal and I think Chap will do well as a principal.”

Julia- When I heard that Namita was leaving I just, like. I couldn’t believe it. I know this is good for her and it’s just selfish to think this but I wish she wouldn’t leave.

Deborah- I will miss, Namita. One of my favorite things about her is her laugh. I’m excited to have Chap as the interim Principal. She has a lot of good energy.

Estelle- I’m sad that Namita is leaving because she has been here for a long time, I’m going to miss seeing her in the hallway!!! But I am super happy for Chap, and excited to give her a chance to be the principal.

And now we wanted to show you how people outside school feel. We present to you our PARENTS!!!!!!!!!! (and sisters):

Missy (Ava’s Mom) – I will be really sad to see her go but I think she was a wonderful principal. I am happy for her new position. I’m interested to see how Chap will take on this new role.

Ian (Julia’s Dad)- I’m not happy Namita is leaving. I feel good about Chap being the new principal.

Serge (Julia’s other Dad)- I’m disappointed about Namita leaving. I like Chap and I know her a little bit already and I’m looking forward to her new position at the school.

And also Ava’s sister, Olivia – It makes me feel sad and I hope she visits and I think chap will be a good principal.”

And my sister Tate- I just don’t want her leave. I think Chap will be a good principal.

Rocco (Ava’s Dad) – I’m extremely upset that Namita is leaving I thought she did a wonderful job. Chap has some big shoes to fill. I’m sure she’s up to the task.

Aaron is Leaving by Sophia and Julia

Most people know that Aaron is leaving. He is going to be teaching in Arizona. “My new job is teaching kindergarten through fifth grade at a public school.” Says Aaron. “I’m ready to have a house with a yard. The school is big. It has 600 kids and here we only have 200. I can’t imagine having to remember 600 names! I haven’t even seen it yet I got interviewed in skype. I can’t imagine how hard it is to remember 600 names! There’s a fourth and fifth band and third fourth and fifth chorus.”

We interviewed a couple of people about Aaron leaving. We asked them “Will you miss Aaron and if so why?” This is what they said:

Deborah: I will most definitely miss Aaron. I had a lot of fun working with Aaron on the fourth grade play! He is so creative and he is not afraid to try new things. He is also fun to dance with at the faculty party.

Maeve: I will miss Aaron. He was a really great music and chorus teacher, and I am really sad that he’s leaving because it was fun to hang out with him.

Ann: Of course. It’s been so much fun to work with Aaron on the immigrant play. I think he’s a nice person. I love the musical assemblies. I learned new types of music with him and I hope to stay in touch with him in Arizona.

Tess: Yes, because he was really good at keeping us under control because we are not an easy class and he has managed to keep us calm. and I hope he has a good time at his job.

Estelle: Yes, I’m gonna miss him. I started chorus with him and he was a good leader in recorder ensemble and he put up with everyone in chorus when they were being rude to him. Chorus won’t be the same without him.

Megan: I will miss Aaron. Yes, I’m gonna miss working with Aaron. Aaron has great ideas and I get to work the most with him during the play process and I appreciate Aaron’s creative energy.

Namita: Yes, I’m very sad about Aaron leaving. He is great with the kids. He is a very talented music teacher.

Middle School Tour by Charlie and Mia

From Charlie: Last week the 4th grade toured the middle school. Mark and Ana were our tour guides. First we saw one of the 6th grade classes in math class. Then we saw a 7th grade class doing history. The 7th graders told us that they were reading Romeo and Juliet. After that we went to a 5th grade class and they told us about advisors. An advisor is a teacher who you meet with once a week. If you want to talk to them about things that are going on in school they are there to talk to. Sometimes they might even take you out for lunch. Then we went to the science lab where there was another 6th grade class. After the tour we went to the other class’s room where the 5th and 6th class reps talked to us about middle school. When they finished talking we were allowed to ask a few questions. I am excited and nervous to go to middle school. I am nervous for the language classes because I think they are going to be hard. I am excited because I get to have new teachers.

From Mia: This month we went on a middle school tour! It was really interesting. We are going to middle school soon. The first half of the trip was with Mark and the second half with Ana. First we went to the 7th grade home room. They were reading Romeo and Juliet. The language was really sophisticated. One kid said that you would have to be very organized. After that we went to the art room. The art room was very different than the Lower School art room. There was a really cool project that a 7th grader made. It was made to look like the sky line. I think I am going to take art. Next we went to the science room. You have to take science. When we went in the 6th grade was presenting their projects. They were cool. We saw the 5th grade’s gerbils – they breed. They were so cute. They were scurrying around in their cage. I can’t wait to breed gerbils. Next we went to the 5th grade homeroom. That is where we will be next year. One boy said that you need to bring a lot of pencils. Or you need to find stubs on the floor. Here are some people that I interviewed.

Ava: I loved the middle school tour. I thought it was really fun. Now I am super excited for middle school. The principal is really nice. I am looking forward to advisors. I am also looking forward to art class.

Stella: I thought the middle school tour was really fun. I had been really worried about going to middle school before, but now I am less nervous than before. I am looking forward to science.

Maeve: I really excited for advisors. I am also really excited to do French. I am really excited for dessert.

Charlie: I am really nervous for the language classes. I am going to take Spanish. Hola

The Fourth Grade Play Process by Andrei, Max, Pema, and Thomas


From Pema: In Fourth Grade we are putting on a play. We have to practice our play a lot. At first we had four groups that met separately. The groups were, Ellis Island, tenement life, street scene, and modern immigration. Each fourth grade teacher led each scene. All the fourth graders were put into each group.

When we started to write the scripts we would rehearse all the lines that we had so far. We did a little bit of improv in the beginning. After a week or two some groups started assigning the parts.


Once each group was done writing their scripts we all went into the auditorium and practiced the whole play. Everyone started adding music to the scripts and we started putting together where everyone was going to be. We practiced altogether three times. The second time we did we went to Houston and the third time we did it in the music room. On the third time we added the Give Me Your Tired, Your Poor Raps made by fourth graders. It was really fun to add the raps to the play.


We just went to the high school P.A.C which is where all the plays happen. We are going to put on our play in the high school. We got to see the backstage it was an amazing experience. It took us a little bit over an hour to finish the rehearsal. And we still hadn’t rehearsed the whole play. It got a little boring backstage since we had to be really quiet.

The hardest part of practicing the play is remembering everything. We can’t wait to perform the play.

From Thomas: The script was not easy to write. This is because we had to cut and add pieces. We also had to practice for homework and in class. We cut pieces because we didn’t have enough time to perform them. We also had a lot of actions in the script because it would not be a play without actions. It’s a musical so we a lot of songs in the play. We have 4 scenes that are 10 minutes plus a beginning and end scene that are each 10 minutes so 10X6=60 so the play is an hour long.

From Max: We made our own costumes out of materials from our house. Different people have different costumes. I am an inspector, other people are immigrants and modern day immigrants. Some people need props. I need a buttonhook and a podium. The immigrants have dirty costumes and the inspectors have hats and jackets. Modern day immigrants would dress in modern day clothes and the judge would wear a robe. Juno, the Statue of Liberty, would wear a green dress.


From Andrei: To make a musical, you need music and song. We sang a lot of songs like “Give Me Your Tired Your Poor” and “Far From My Homeland.” “Give Me Your Tired Your Poor” came from the poem “The New Colossus,” a poem written by Emma Lazarus about the Statue of Liberty. For “Far From My Homeland” we edited the words a little for each scene so it was connected to that scene. For street scenes, they edited the words so it was about peddlers and boys and girls playing on the streets. For the Ellis Island scene they made the words about inspection. In music, we made raps for “Far From My Homeland” and that is where the raps in the end came from. My scene is Modern Immigration, my favorite line from our song is, “I miss my culture but I can make a better life.”

A Visit from Mr. Kim and Master Lee

Master Lee 2 (1)

Dear Mr. Kim and Master Lee,

Thank you SO much for coming into our classroom and showing us how to use an abacus and showing us what it’s like in action. We learned that it is not so hard to do complicated math in your head, all you have to do is work hard and keep practicing.

I always thought that the abacus was just some useless toy, but you showed me how it works and how much of a great tool it is.

It was really cool to see you do all those crazy big numbers. I want you to teach me to beat Harvard students. I am so speechless it must have taken years of practice.

A part of your visit I thought was really fun was when Mr. Kim wrote out numbers and Master Lee competed against kids on a calculator.
It was really fun competing with you.

You amazed us! We hope you had a good time too.


Deborah and Megan’s Fourth Grade Class (Quotes taken from individual thank you notes)

Personal Blogs Post

IMG_4045 (1)
Hi our names are Stella, Clarissa, Mia, and Pema. Just a while ago we got our personal blogs. We have only posted a few things but we still have put a lot of thought into it. We are really excited. We were going to explode!

So far we have posted about immigrant dolls and our opening blog post reflection. Our personal blog post reflections are where we talked about are learning process and what type of work we might post on our blog.

The teachers gave them to us because they think we are responsible enough. They are digital portfolios for the work we are proud of. We can post our best work and the work we are proud of until we graduate and when we are in high school or applying for college we can look back at it and see what our work was like back in elementary school, middle school, and high school. We usually work with them in tech but, we sometimes work on it in the classroom. It is really amazing to work on because all the work you are proud of is on there and some work you are still working on even work you might have struggled on. It is very important that we use are blogs respectfully and responsibly.