My name is Stacey. I just moved from NYC to the country. I’m at a new school and I made a group 0f friends. We’re in a babysitters club. What we do is get calls and babysit for kids. We’re all 13 and we all meet up at Claudia’s house and have meetings on Mondays and Wednesdays. Kristy Thomas is the President, Claudia Kishi is the Vice President, Mary Anne Spier is the Secretary, and me, Stacey MCgill, am the treasurer. I have diabetes, so I have to eat a balanced meal and I’m not really allowed to have candy. Sometimes I have to go to the doctor because they’re trying to help me with my diabetes. But, it’s ok except that I have to have shots a lot. Also, since there has been a new babysitting agency we haven’t been getting many calls… Find out more by reading The Baby-Sitters Club, the 2nd book by Raina Telgemeier.

Hi! My name is Cinderella. I like to hang with my friends and I am brave. I like to go on trips and my friends consider me funny and kind. So my personality is, I’m talkative, friendly, kind, funny and adventurous…alright this could go on forever, that’s all you need to know anyway. Don’t judge me for this but I’m trying out for the talent show. Read my book! Read my book! Read my book —it’s called Grimmtastic Girls: Cinderella Stays Late by Joan Holub and Suzanne Williams. Why, you ask? Well, I think you should read my book because it’s funny, interesting, and just the perfect length.

I am a robot. I am programed to help. My name is Rozzum Unit 7134. Roz for short. I am “born” on an island in the middle of the ocean! Over time, I learn to camouflage and learn to speak the language of the animals. Naturally, I know how to speak English. A problem that occurs is that I caused a rockslide and an orphan egg was created. The egg parents, and their brothers and sisters died in the rockslide. The egg is a goose egg. Read Wild Robot by Peter Brown to find out what happens next.

Hi my name is Max. I am good at some things but there is one thing that I am very good at and that is making people laugh. My favorite things to do are make people laugh, pull pranks on people, and to hang out with my best friend Hugo. Also my grandpa got kidnapped. Because I am really funny, I want to be in a contest and try to make people laugh. Whoever made more people laugh wins. Read Funny Kid by Matt Stanton to find out if I win.

My name is Greg. I like to spend my time in my journal. I also love video games. And, I also love Holly Hills. She’s the pretty girl in my school. Some people say I self absorbed but I think that’s a joke. My big brother Rodrick has a crush on Heather Hills. The two Heffley brothers have a crush on the Hill sitters. Find out what happens next in Diary of a Wimpy Kid by Jeff Kinney.

Hi, I’m Roberto. It’s been my dream to get noticed by the major league. I love baseball! I’ve been playing since I was kid. When I was eleven years old, I helped a lady who was in a car crash. I ran from across the highway, in traffic, to get her out of the car. My personality is kind, helpful, and nice. I live in Puerto Rico. I am the youngest out of six. If you want to learn more about me, read Who Was Roberto Clemente by James Buckley Jr.

Dear diary, one day a bulletin board fell on me and now I am flat. My name is Stanley. I have a brother named Arthur. I do not have many friends partly because I am flat. Some people call me obnoxious but I am really sad inside. I like to run around. If you want to learn more about me go to Flat Stanley by Jeff Brown.

My name is Doon. I like to explore. I am brave and I think of plans very fast. I’m kind. I’m from the city named Ember. There was a mini war. What caused the war? There were markings on walls of houses. The markings on the houses were saying mean things about the people in the houses. You will have to figure it out and how it ended by reading the book. It’s name is The City of Ember The People of Sparks by Jeanne Duprau.

Hello my name is Max and I live in a ghetto in Germany in 1944. I have a 9 year old sister named Zena. My father was taken away by the nazis. We were struggling to live, in fact some days we didn’t even get any food! And we thought that the only way to survive was to escape. We found another group of Jewish resistance fighters. We were safe for a little while but then bombs started falling. How will we survive? Read I Survived the Nazi Invasion, 1944 by Lauren Tarshis.

Hi! My name is Milla, and I love to read. I have a pet pig named Chocolate Chip (Chip for short). My best friend is named Piper, but I have more friends now, Ruby, Mariana, and Zahra. I met them in our music group. We named are music group the Daring Dreamers Club. I have always longed for an adventure, and the school camping trip is perfect! But my parents are very protective and I don’t know if they will let me go. I will just have to find out. You can find out too if you read Daring Dreamers Club — Milla Takes Charge by Erin Soderberg.

Hi my name is Charlie Laird. I am 12 years old. I have a younger brother named Jack he is in 3rd grade. My mom died a few years ago. My dad married a woman and I am sure she is a witch. Ever since I moved into my stepmonster’s purple mansion I have had non-stop nightmares. I live in a town called Cypress Creek. My best friends are named Page, Alfie and Rocco. We have been best friends since kindergarten. I have tried to avoid my biggest fear but I don’t think I can for much longer… If you want to find out more read Nightmares by Jason Segel and Kirsten Miller illustrated by Karl Kwasny.

It all started at the grocery store, Winn-Dixie. My name is India Opal. I live
with my dad who is the preacher and my dog. I’m a kind, young and intelligent girl. I live on a camper grounds so I live in a camper. I work in a pet store with my friend Otis so I can get a collar and a leash for my dog. I have a friend named Gloria. People think she is creepy, but I think she is just a normal women. I think we have a lot of fun together. We sit under old bottles and have pb and js together. My dog is usually with us. I love playing with my dog. Read the book Because of Winn Dixie by Kate DiCamillo to find out what the dog’s name is!

Hello my name is Simone Biles, I am now an olympic gymnast but let’s go back and see how I got there…When I was little my mom could not take care of me so my grandparents took me in. They had 2 boys, both of them older than me. I loved spending time with them mostly on our trampoline. We would do this thing where I would sit in a ball in the middle and they would be on either side of me and bounce me up as high as they could and flip me. “It’s not enough to take steps which may some day lead into a goal; each step must be itself a goal.” I had courage I had flight and I had “a body in motion.” To find out more about how I got to where I am today read Courage to Soar by Lou Retton and Me.

Hi my name is Ben and I go to Spy School. Spy school is boring but it’s also really exciting. My friends would probably describe me as brave, a risk taker, and someone who likes adventure. Here it’s hard to be normal, for instance, I have been the target from the start. By target I mean everybody has been attacking me and I just got here. It’s been hard but Alexander Hale has been telling me how lucky I am to be in this situation, but I don’t think so. I have to go but read the Spy School Series by Stuart Gibbs to find out the rest.

Hi My name is Adelaide Belmont. I like to dance (or used to be able to) because of bread (I don’t want to get into that). My father works at a bakery and I help there to with Amaury. I lied to everyone at school to think my leg was eaten by a crocodile, but really it was hit by a lamppost. I made friends with Archer B. Helmsley and Oliver Glub. We tried to — oops I shouldn’t say that. We encountered a problem which includes – an iceberg, tigers, a life raft, and a plan. It’s a good plan, well not a bad plan but it doesn’t go perfectly…to find out what went wrong read The Doldrums by Nicholas Gannon.

Hi, my name is Winnie. I am a girl but I try to be like a boy. My best friend Iggie moved from here to Tokyo, so I don’t see her anymore which makes me really sad. About two days later the Garbers moved into Iggies house. The Garbers are a super nice family. The problem is they are the only African American family on the block so everyone wants them to leave because of their race. But I like them, they are my friends. Read Iggie’s House by Judy Blume because it’s the kind of book you don’t want to stop reading, and it has a really good story.

My name is Charlotte. I am currently living at an all boys orphanage. I am adventurous, smart, brave and I love horses. I have a problem, my best friend got adopted. And my horse got sick and died. What can I do? To find out, come on and read Riding Freedom by Pam Muñoz Ryan.

I am Zeus, king of all gods. I am one of 5 siblings – Hera, Hades, Poseidon and Hestia. Kronos and Rhea are my parents. Kronos overpowered his father, the Sky, with his sickle. So his mother Earth said that his son will overpower him. Kronos did not want to give up power so when Rhea gave birth the five of us, he ate us. But Oceanus switched me with a rock. If Kronos noticed one of his kids had less warmth than the other he gave no sign. I was raised in a cave by Nymphs in a mountain. I did not know it but my brothers and sisters were the race of the new gods. I was walking along and I saw metis she said she would help me with a plan like this. Metix is Kronos’ niece. He had nothing to fear of her. She would give him a bottle that would spit out my siblings. She said I should take my birth light and try to kill Kronos. Read Zeus the King of Gods by George O’Connor to find out.

Hi my name is Captain Underpants. I am a principal who turns into Captain Underpants if you snap, and I turn into a principal if you pour water on my head. In this book I have to defeat Tippy Tinkle Trousers (former name professor poopypants,) in a giant robo suit, that time travels. I am a grumpy principal and a brave hero. When I am a principle I LOVE being mean to kids and torturing them. When I am Captain Underpants I like Gorge and Harold, (they created me). I also like saving the day but not without a red and black cape. I am a mean, terrible, and thoughtless to kids principal. I am a brave, nice, fun, and happy hero! Read Captain Underpants And The Terrifying Return of Tippy TinkleTrousers by Dave Pilkey to find out how I defeat Tippy Tinkle Trousers. Or what happens!