Contemporary Immigration Stories: A Visit with Hedy and Piers

March 15,  2018

Dear Mom and Dad,

Thank you for sharing your immigration story with the grade! I loved the slideshows and it showed how much work you put into presentations even though it was only for your child’s grade. It means a lot to me.  In your share I learned so much more about what life is like for an immigrant because there was some facts that even I didn’t know.

My favorite part was when Mom gave out the yummy food and Dad told everyone about his green card. I liked when Dad shared his green card because I didn’t know that there are so many rules for green card holders. I thought that they just had the same rights as citizens but they just can’t vote. As for the food there is no need for an explanation.

It was interesting how Memeh and Babajoon came to get educated. I thought that there was another reason. It is kind of scary that if Babajoon hadn’t made that choice I wouldn’t be here. I would never have been born! Dad it was cool how you went from a dog walker to a boss of a company. That shows that if you really want to do something you can try your hardest and you might accomplish that goal.

Two quick questions, one, what was your family’s reaction when you moved away (Dad), and two, why didn’t Maman Bozorg come with you (Mom)? Please respond soon.

Your ingenious child,

Cyrus William Fawkes

Response from Hedy:

Hi Cy! Thanks for your letter. Very sweet. To answer your question: Maman Bozorg didn’t come with Memeh because she had 4 other kids (and her husband). Her youngest, Dayee Khosrow, was only 11 when she came! Sad to think that Memeh couldn’t see her little brother for over 9 years.. imagine that! Love you. xx

March  15, 2018

Dear Hedy and Piers,

Thank you for coming today. It was great that you guys shared your stories.

What I found most interesting was that Piers had a green card and Hedy did not. I found that interesting because you guys were both immigrants, but one chose to be a citizen. I know someone that’s in Iran, its Giselle, she’s there for spring break. Again thank you for coming.

It was really cool to learn about both of your lives. First from London and Iran, then to America and how you started a new life. I have one question, that is, do you ever see your family? if so, how often? I thought that it was very hard for women because they have to be treated like that by the government and wear all of that clothing. I’m sorry that it’s hard to see family.

From Cy’s friend,


March  15, 2018                                                                              

Dear Hedy and Piers,    

Thank you for coming to our classroom and sharing about your immigration stories. I learned so much about contemporary immigration.

Piers, some of my favorite parts were when you shared about why you immigrated to America. I thought it was crazy that if you didn’t have a green card you couldn’t get, healthcare, a job, bank account, a license and a phone. I thought it was interesting that you have to visit America one time every six months to keep your green card.

Was it hard for you to find a job? In another immigrant story that we heard it was hard for the immigrants to leave their old life behind. Was it hard for you?

Hedy, I thought it was cool that you went from being poor in Iran to  creating a life and family in America. One of my favorite parts was when you shared the dates and cotton candy. Was it hard for you to learn English? I thought the tradition when it woulds turn into a party in the kitchen was cool. Was it hard for you to settle in a new place?



March 15,2018

Dear Hedy and Piers,                                            

Thank you for coming for a visit today to our class.

I loved your share today. My favorite part was when you described how you came to the United States. I learned a lot about the challenges like once you came here, it was hard to get a job. I thought it was interesting to hear about your (Hedy) life in Iran and how your Dad was a police officer. I also thought it was interesting to hear about how hard it is to get a Green Card even after you’ve to the United States. I don’t think it’s fair that some people who live here can’t vote.

I enjoyed hearing about how good the food tasted in Iran. I liked the white cotton candy that you brought to our class for an amazing and delicious snack. It felt so fluffy and was so sweet and so good.

I hope I can visit Iran someday and see some of the things you described.


Henry Edward Hutchins 


One thought on “Contemporary Immigration Stories: A Visit with Hedy and Piers

  1. All of these letters look fantastic and are very detailed and descriptive. I am sure that Hedy and Piers appreciated these thoughtful letters.

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