Middle School Tour by Charlie and Mia

From Charlie: Last week the 4th grade toured the middle school. Mark and Ana were our tour guides. First we saw one of the 6th grade classes in math class. Then we saw a 7th grade class doing history. The 7th graders told us that they were reading Romeo and Juliet. After that we went to a 5th grade class and they told us about advisors. An advisor is a teacher who you meet with once a week. If you want to talk to them about things that are going on in school they are there to talk to. Sometimes they might even take you out for lunch. Then we went to the science lab where there was another 6th grade class. After the tour we went to the other class’s room where the 5th and 6th class reps talked to us about middle school. When they finished talking we were allowed to ask a few questions. I am excited and nervous to go to middle school. I am nervous for the language classes because I think they are going to be hard. I am excited because I get to have new teachers.

From Mia: This month we went on a middle school tour! It was really interesting. We are going to middle school soon. The first half of the trip was with Mark and the second half with Ana. First we went to the 7th grade home room. They were reading Romeo and Juliet. The language was really sophisticated. One kid said that you would have to be very organized. After that we went to the art room. The art room was very different than the Lower School art room. There was a really cool project that a 7th grader made. It was made to look like the sky line. I think I am going to take art. Next we went to the science room. You have to take science. When we went in the 6th grade was presenting their projects. They were cool. We saw the 5th grade’s gerbils – they breed. They were so cute. They were scurrying around in their cage. I can’t wait to breed gerbils. Next we went to the 5th grade homeroom. That is where we will be next year. One boy said that you need to bring a lot of pencils. Or you need to find stubs on the floor. Here are some people that I interviewed.

Ava: I loved the middle school tour. I thought it was really fun. Now I am super excited for middle school. The principal is really nice. I am looking forward to advisors. I am also looking forward to art class.

Stella: I thought the middle school tour was really fun. I had been really worried about going to middle school before, but now I am less nervous than before. I am looking forward to science.

Maeve: I really excited for advisors. I am also really excited to do French. I am really excited for dessert.

Charlie: I am really nervous for the language classes. I am going to take Spanish. Hola

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About Mark Silberberg

Mark is thrilled to be a member of LREI's vibrant learning community and is inspired each day by students and colleagues alike. Mark began his formal adult life in schools as a teacher of physics, chemistry, English and an experiential business simulation class in the public schools where he also worked as a school administrator and technology coordinator. For the ten years prior to coming to LREI, Mark was a co-founder and co-director of a progressive K-12 public charter school. When not immersed in things LREI, Mark enjoys spending time with his family and completing sundry home repair projects. He is an avid soccer player and skier and wishes he had more time to play the guitar and bass.

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